View Full Version : The Inside Of a MPEG2 file - DVD forward/reverse

Lars Siden
June 2nd, 2006, 01:11 PM

I recently converted 7 hrs of analogue 8mm footage to DVD for a friend.

I used Vegas MC Mpeg encoder for 3 out 4 DVD:s, the fourth I used CCE Basic. When she plays the DVD:s in her standalone DVD player the player "looses sync" within the MPEG2 file when she fast forwards or make a chapter jump. Except on the one made by CCE Basic, which works perfect.

Question: Has this something to do with open and closed gops? The order of I and B frames?

// Lazze

Dan Euritt
June 2nd, 2006, 06:29 PM
the first thing that i would ask her is if the dvd loses sync in any other dvd player.

fwiw, procoder 2 will tell you that an open gop is more compatible with older dvd players than closed gop is, but i don't know if that's an issue here.