View Full Version : VX2000 lcd flip

Matthias Miethe
June 2nd, 2006, 08:52 AM
Iīm looking for two days now and canīt find anything regarding to how to flip the lcd on a vx2000. I now have a letus, so the image is upside down.

Can anyone help me..Send a link or sth. Thanks a lot.

Gabriel Chiefetz
June 5th, 2006, 10:42 PM
I had success flipping the lcd on my pd170, which I think has a similar mechanism. It involves drilling a small hole in the side panel near the hinge of the lcd, and then inserting something into the hole to trigger the switch. This will flip the image. I find that inserting a bent twist-tie works well. There are diagrams of how to do this posted somewhere, but I'm not sure where.

Drilling in the case of your camera sounds scary, but it's not that bad if you're careful. If you look near the hinge where the lcd attaches to the camera body, you will see a small plastic panel attached by one tiny screw. You unscrew this with a screwdriver (like the kind you find in a glasses repair kit), and then remove the panel. Then you drill the hole in the panel. If you look at the panel, you will see that there is just one screw, on one end of the panel. If you imagine a second hole on the other end of the panel, exactly symmetrical with the first- that's where you drill. Then you re-attache the panel to the camera. So you're not actually drilling into your camera, just the panel that you have detached.

I hope that helps- sorry I don't have diagrams!