View Full Version : Firmware update of Canon cameras?

Johan Forssblad
June 2nd, 2006, 06:09 AM
Hi, if you take a look at
you will find that most of Canon digital still cameras have updates available, in some cases severals, which fix problems or improves the cameras.

What about their video cameras? I havn't found firmware updates for them. These cameras are probably even more complicated and should probably have even more functions which could be improved?

Anybody who know how this subject is handled?

Chris Hurd
June 2nd, 2006, 10:43 AM
Good question. On the digicams, the process for updating the camera's firmware is via the flash memory card. These days most camcorders have flash memory cards as well, so you'd think the same process can be used for firmware updates. I suspect the reason why this isn't commonly available might be due to the possibility that camcorders are more complicated than digicams, or that the most common problems involve mechanical trouble (such as tape transports) rather than firmware issues. Or it could be that a manufacturer's video division doesn't trust its end users to correctly perform the procedure the way the photo division does... it would be a nice feature to have.

Luis de la Cerda
June 2nd, 2006, 03:13 PM
Or because they want more money to unlock extra features like dual system NTSC/PAL compatibility. ;) Making firmware updates available to the general public would mean someone could theoretically unlock whatever features are hidden in there. Who knows how many more easter eggs are hidden inside the XL-H1?

Steven Dempsey
June 2nd, 2006, 03:58 PM
I opened up my XLH1 and found a real live leprechaun who said he was responsible for stitching together HDV artifacts so they would not be apparent to the shooter.

Weird, huh?

Robert Sanders
June 2nd, 2006, 04:32 PM

Chris Hurd
June 2nd, 2006, 04:33 PM
That's one busy elf.

Luis de la Cerda
June 2nd, 2006, 07:34 PM
Mine came sans leprechaun! I'll have to talk to my dealer!

Shawn Alyasiri
June 3rd, 2006, 03:28 PM
I'd just be impressed if they'd make a pixel-masking utility available (there's gotta be one hidden inside). I've had to return one H1 for pixels out/lit, and a second that had a tape transport mess up. My current replacement has another pixel out (tape works though)...

It's a pain. They need to share a masking utility with us - I'm understand that I'm not the only one.

Paul Doherty
June 4th, 2006, 12:38 AM
I do recall seeing someone say that firmware upgrades would be carried out if you sent your camera in for service or repair. That was at least a couple of years ago and I can't trace the reference nor do I actually know if it was true.

I guess it would make sense however and if it is true then it's an extra reason to send a camera like the XLH1 in for a service as I suspect user experience during the first year in particular will result in numerous tweaks.

Thanks to Johan for raising this - I would certainly be interested in knowing how Canon handle this.

Chris Hurd
June 4th, 2006, 08:10 AM
I do recall seeing someone say that firmware upgrades would be carried out if you sent your camera in for service or repair.You probably saw me saying that, and yes it is true (I've carefully questioned CUSA about this more than once). Whenever you send the camcorder in, be it for a specific repair or just the annual lube-oil-filter change, they will automatically put it on the bench and give it whatever firware updates are available. You don't have to ask (in fact, you don't really have a choice -- if a camcorder shows up, it gets any and all updates, period). It's a very good idea to send the camera in for service whether you think it needs it or not, somewhere around the eleventh month of ownership, before the one-year warranty period runs out. And of course, all U.S. owners should join the Canon XL series Owner's Club and enjoy those particular benefits, details at

Kevin Wild
June 4th, 2006, 05:49 PM
I've sent material in both for the XL2 and the H1 and have never heard anything from the "club." Is this right? I know they will do a replacement for you, which is nice, but besides that it doesn't seem to do much. I wish they had a better online/forum support...I guess they leave that up to you with this forum.

Also, Mac version of console? Vaporware?



Kevin Wild
June 5th, 2006, 07:09 AM
Lo and behold...saw the other new link with mini-site dedicated to the H1. Nice start, Canon. Not sure why they didn't have this up from day 1, but I like it.