View Full Version : Mini DV tapes, which ones?

Dominik Chrzan
February 12th, 2003, 09:40 PM
sorry if this has been covered in the past, i did a quick search with little success on this topic.

basically, i was just curious which tapes everyone prefers to use with their vx2k/pd150?

i don't recall where, but i think i read that generally the sony “PREMIUM" 60 minute (90 LP) tapes were a favorite. any special reason? does the type of filming/environment make a difference? as always, price is somewhat of a factor, too.

again, sorry for the simple nature of this topic.



Brian Pink
February 12th, 2003, 09:49 PM
in my PD150, for miniDV, i use the Sony cheapies. they're like $8 a tape, but down to $2 or $3 on sale at Fry's sometimes... i've had no problems.

Chris Hurd
February 12th, 2003, 10:28 PM
Don't compromise on tape. It's already the least expensive component of the production chain; why risk glitches using dirt cheap tape? Quality DV tape does not have to cost very much; don't shoot yourself in the foot by cutting corners on the tape. Spend the extra two dollars. This is your video we're talking about.

Sony Premium is a nice compromise... it's not the low grade cheapo and it's not the most expensive, either. Our sponsor Pro-Tape at carries 60min Sony Premium at $4.25 ea., an excellent value. Plus by purchasing from them, you're supporting these message boards. Hope this helps,

Brian Pink
February 13th, 2003, 09:01 AM
whoa thanks for pointing that out Chris. that's a good price for those tapes, i usually see them around $10 retail.

Nori Wentworth
February 13th, 2003, 11:43 AM
Hi Dominic,

What ever you go with, don't use JVC.

Check out this post:


Wayne Orr
February 14th, 2003, 02:04 PM
I prefer the Sony Excellence for my personal use, and the PDVM (DVCAM) tapes for professional clients. The Excellence is a step up from the Premium series and costs more. But then, I don't look for the cheapest motor oil to put in my car either.

Adi Head
February 15th, 2003, 09:35 AM
they say sony, panasonic, fuji... are all good brands. as far as i know, the differences between the cheap line tapes and the more expensive ones are durability and if they have memory chips or not.

i use PANASONIC AY-DVM63PQ tapes. no problems so far.

only use the 60 minute tapes. there are 80 minute tapes and so on, but i wouldn't use them. i've been told that the load of extra tape is too much for the camera to pull which can result in drops as well as damage to your camera.

of course there is the advice: DON'T SWITCH TAPES. switching between different tapes of the same brand is ok, to my knowledge. but dont switch back and forth from different brands (as long as you're using the same camera). different brands use different lubricants on their tapes and switching from one to the other can damage your record and play drum.


Adi Head
February 19th, 2003, 11:59 AM
by the way.... if anyone familiar with PANASONIC AY-DVM63MQ tapes can tell me how they differ from the PQ line of tapes, i'd be grateful. thanks

Bryan Beasleigh
February 19th, 2003, 11:06 PM
It is my understanding that the Sony Cheapy, the Premium and Ecellence come from the same tape sheet. The Excellence is cut from the centre of the sheet where the coatings would be the most uniform.

I use the premium and have never had a problem.

Chris and Wayne are right, we pay thousands for a camera and bitch about a few cents on the price of a tape.

David Hurdon
February 20th, 2003, 07:31 AM
I just switched from the Panasonic DVM60 to the DVM63MQ, when the local DV Shop started offering them for the same price, CDN$9.00 in five packs. I've logged four hours of a recent day of interviewing. The shots look great and I feel better knowing I'm using a quality tape.

John Locke
February 20th, 2003, 07:53 AM
I'll throw in another endorsement for DVM63MQ.

Alexander McLeod
February 20th, 2003, 09:01 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by John Locke : I'll throw in another endorsement for DVM63MQ. -->>>

And yet another.

Mike Rehmus
February 20th, 2003, 09:33 AM
While I believe that the tapes available in the marketplace are good quality, it is logical that the manufacturer of the camera is going to optimize their tapes for their camcorders.

So while the other brands of tape may indeed be of good quality, there is not enough difference in price between the brands to justify FOR MY USE, anything other than Sony brands for my Sony cameras. It just makes no sense to do otherwise since I'm interested in maximizing the lifetime of my equipment.

I'd be using JVC tapes for a JVC camcorder if I had an all-JVC shop and Panasonic if I had a Panasonic shop.

Warning, Social/technical commentary---------

Digital tapes, marketing hype aside, are recording either a maximum signal or a minimum signal. i.e., digital. The quality of the recording medium, as long as it stays intact, HAS NO IMPACT ON THE QUALITY OF THE VIDEO. Ever.

So as long as the tape does not damage the deck and stays intact, there is no reason, other than physical compatibility, to select one tape over another. Especially in our NLE environments where the tape is treated quite gently and not really subject to the abuse and excessive use of a Linear Editing environment.


The net result for me is that I use the least expensive brand of Sony MiniDV tapes where I can. DVCam where I must. More expensive tape or DVCam tape will not give me one additional micro-level of quality. Ever.

In 7 years of camcorder and DV deck operations at the local Community College, we have never experienced tape dropout or clogged heads (nor have I). Except for the inevitable student screw-up, the cameras and decks have never had anything but Sony tapes in their diet.

Edward Seid
February 21st, 2003, 02:05 AM
I haven't checked out Costco, but the local Sam's Club carries Maxell 6-packs. Does anyone have anything good or bad to say about these?

Which brand does Costco carry?

February 21st, 2003, 05:54 AM
I use the maxell's that are on sale at Sam's. I have used them for the past 2 and a half years without any problems at all. I have even used them to record dvcam mode on my PD 150. Still, no problems. I usually have my raw footage, the edited video, and then a back up of raw and the finished project. The cost is very helpful when you start factoring in backup copies. I have great confidence in Maxell tapes.


Alex Kamm
March 2nd, 2003, 03:45 AM
I have to say.. where I lack in experience of camcorders I strive in the little things! :) mini dv tapes! lol I've bought all kinds of minidv tapes from JVC, Panasonic, TDK to Sony.. and I've gotta say.. that they all work fine.. as long as you take care of them! Even the Costco ones work fine but you know for the price your not getting what a Sony PREM. grade can give you! And don't forget to use that handy lock feature on all yoru tapes becuase its horrible going through 50 tapes trying to find something that you taped over! :)

I have to comment tho... I'm pretty sure I've been treating my Sony Premium class tapes right but.. uhhh... for some reason I've got messed up frames after not touching them and looking at them after 5 months! I* think its due to, the lighting in my room and me exposing my tapes in their cases to my room lighting? But that seems very slim to none!

So.. with my stupid theory I keep my tapes in dark area's!

Alan Christensen
March 8th, 2003, 01:51 AM
I standardized on Maxell from the very start with my VX-2000. I had mixed TDK and Maxell with my Optura Pi and eventually had to send the camcorder back to Canon when the tape path got so sticky that the tapes would no longer load. Since then I have only used one brand (Maxell) in both camcorders without problem. Although there may be more durable tapes on the market, I have never had one problem with the Maxell tapes. Of course, I usually don't use the tapes more than a few times, as I typically keep the source footage around for 12 months after the project is complete. Hence the same tapes don't get used over and over again. BTW, I'd hate to try to switch tape brands now, as I probably have 100+ Maxell tapes in my inventory...

Frank Granovski
March 8th, 2003, 02:55 AM
Hmmm, I never ever tried Maxell.

Jeff Donald
March 8th, 2003, 06:26 AM
I used Maxell once when a client forgot the tapes he was supposed to supply for the shoot. The quality of the tape seemed fine but the cassette shell was much flimsier than the Panasonics I normally use.

Steven Dumala
March 12th, 2003, 09:08 PM
I have used Fuji before and have had a few that have gotten a digital mix-up. One of them the whole tape would not play back right, when I watched the counter it would play in 6 sec sections.
I was using a friends XL1 so maybe it was from using two different brands. That shoot I had used about 5 tapes and the first one was the only one with the problem. Is there a way to test the tape before using it, maybe rec 60 sec, to see if there are any problems with it.

Steven Dumala
March 12th, 2003, 09:13 PM
I will be getting a VX2000 and I think I will use sony brand tapes.
Is it a good idea to FF and RW a new tape, to tighten and for any loose particles to fall off? If so, is it best to use a rewinder or just the cam? would all those lost particles be left in the cam?
Does anyone black out your tapes? ( mini dv or vhs) or just black out the first 60 sec..