View Full Version : Web site with video content, what to charge?

Carl Downs
May 28th, 2006, 09:44 PM
Although this is more of a Web Creation job, the site includes capturing of, minimal editing of, rendering of, and placement of video in web site... so I would be greatfull for any response. My company mainly produces video/film but we dip into many different things when clients request.

Could you please give me a competitive quote (i.e. on par with or slightly lower than competitors) for what you think we should charge for this service.

I whipped up a one page htm page that shows what we did >

Basically the client dumped all the stuff (resume's, articles, vids) he wanted online at our office and said, "make a web site"

We are not a "super pro" web site designing company but we can design basic yet functional web sites (and yes that is what we told the client and he said that is what he wants).

For what we did (pleaese see for details) I am thinking... $500... please help me with your thoughts,

Peter Wiley
May 29th, 2006, 05:38 AM
It's always better to agree on a price before you do the work. $500 seems low to me for what you did.

Depending on your location (local markets vary) a reasonable charge would be $50-$125 an hour for design services.

The following link might help for info on your area.

Carl Downs
May 29th, 2006, 10:04 PM
Peter, thanks for your reply (and for the link). For this particular project we did agree on a price (although a "special" price for this client because we are semi-partners in some video productions and he passes work to me) but I have now a similar client requesting the same thing and figure since my company is pretty good at this stuff, we might as well ad it to our services.

I was hoping people would say it was "low"... these sites do take time. And, as you said... "depends on location"... well, I am in Las Vegas and this place aint the "cheap" vacation spot it used to be... actually very expensive here now!

any other suggestion pricing?