View Full Version : HDV SD60p and AVCVideoCap

Jemore Santos
May 26th, 2006, 03:27 AM
I know there aren't alot of people taking this route so I'd be extra happy with the feedback, but I was shooting video in HDV SD60p mode and used AVCVideoCap and when I previewed it on Mpeg-streamclip, footage would freeze while audio would still work or vice versa. I rendered the footage and it was the same thing. Has anyone found similiar problems with footage capture via AVCVideoCap?

Steve Benner
May 26th, 2006, 09:05 AM
I know there aren't alot of people taking this route so I'd be extra happy with the feedback, but I was shooting video in HDV SD60p mode and used AVCVideoCap and when I previewed it on Mpeg-streamclip, footage would freeze while audio would still work or vice versa. I rendered the footage and it was the same thing. Has anyone found similiar problems with footage capture via AVCVideoCap?

I've done a few tests, and no problems...I hope someone else can help you.

Jemore Santos
May 26th, 2006, 09:08 AM
Steve what are your preferences for mpeg streamclip?
My footage skips and goes out of sync or speeds or freezes!