View Full Version : Miami XLH1 road show.

Bruce S. Yarock
May 25th, 2006, 09:52 PM
Today I went to the XLH1 show in Miami. What a difference from last years xl2 event at Pittman Photo. Last year's was in one room with a modest display.
This show is big time, and shows that Canon means biddness! They had a set up and administrative crew of about 15 people, and at least ten qualified tech people once you got into the main goody room.
There's so much I love about that camera. I almost bought one today, but figured my chances at winning the drawing weren't too bad.( I went with my girlfriend, and we were two of the 100 or so people to show up...that's almost 2% odds). But they won't announce the winner till next week.
Hey any advanced info on the winners? lol. Btw, when I mentioned dvinfo to a few of the tech guys, they had real positive responses, and a couple of them said they see Chris quite frequently.
The console software is also nice, but at 9k, Canon should include it.
Bruce Yarock

Chris Hurd
May 25th, 2006, 10:09 PM
Bruce, did you run into fellow DV Info Netter Mike Teutsch? I thought he said he would be there. And yeah, I have to agree with you, Console should be part of the XL H1 package. Can't believe they're not announcing winners at the end of the day... that could cost them some sales... "I'm not gonna buy it because I might have won the drawing." You know?

I was wondering how this gig went... thanks for the report!

Bruce S. Yarock
May 25th, 2006, 10:21 PM
My statement about "buying one today" was really more wishfull thinking.First I have to resolve my FX1 problem.
I didn't bump into Mike, and I've never met him personally. I wish I had known he was comming. We've spoken several times, and he was nice enough to send me some footage from hurricane Wilma, for a project we were doing. It got put on the back burner due to more pressing issues (making a living), but hopefully we'll finish it soon.
So Chris...can you get advanced info on the Miami winner?
Bruce S. Yarock

Chris Hurd
May 25th, 2006, 10:40 PM
Yup, Mike mentioned he was attending the 11am session here:

You think they're gonna give *me* advanced info about the H1 winners? Hah!


Bruce S. Yarock
May 26th, 2006, 04:55 AM
I guess we'll just have to wait. But I could sure use some good luck....
Bruce S. Yarock

Mike Teutsch
May 26th, 2006, 07:44 AM
Well, I was indeed going to go but, I didn't make it. I edited for about 12 hours the day and night before and when I tried to go to sleep I couldn't. Layed on the couch watching tv and ended up falling asleep way late. Woke up, still on the couch, at 10:30 am and knew I was not going to make it to the show.


Next time I guess. I have talked to bruce many times and would probably have been able to pick him out. Besides, he was probably wearing his anti-Sony shirt! :)


Daniel Epstein
May 26th, 2006, 10:14 AM
Did they mention anything about new lenses or a deck? Seems to me the lack of annoucements about the future is going to hold back sales even if people like many aspects of the camera. As far as Console did they mention if there is going to be a Mac version anytime soon?

Bruce S. Yarock
May 26th, 2006, 10:33 AM
I didnt ask about a deck, but they had some animated ootage of a wide angle lens that's supposedly comming out next fall.
Bruce S. Yarock

Daniel Epstein
May 26th, 2006, 05:41 PM
I guess that means they are only talking about previously announced items