Nathan Troutman
May 25th, 2006, 07:04 PM
I just recently finished this music video and now have it posted up at IFC Media Lab. I would love for people to check it out and post back here in the forum about what you think. And feel free to register at IFC Media Lab and put in a vote. Information on the production is listed on IFC Media Lab but the short list is this: shot on an FX1 with Cine24 and Cinegamma on. Edited as AIC on Final Cut Pro.
Thanks and I hope you like:)
Direct link to the video:
Evan C. King
May 25th, 2006, 07:56 PM
It was a pretty nice video but why did you use CF24? Did you want that juddery effect? I personally would have used natress(since you already have it) to convert 60i to 24p, but other than that, colour wise and lighting wise and everything it was very clean, very nice especially on your $25 budget.
Nathan Troutman
May 25th, 2006, 08:07 PM
Evan what you said is all very true. It just saved me a whole bunch of rendering and allowed me to get the "look" right in camera. The Cine24 setting gets a lot of bashing from myself included, but I think Apt. B illustrates when it can be useful as a short-cut to make things easier in editing. It was a very quick edit because the film "look" was already done even if it was a short-cut that sacrifices quality.
Also, I love using Nattress film effects just for color. Just turn off the frame options and you have a lot of controls to crush blacks, bleach video, tint, adjust gamma curves, etc. Very nice results. I also use the Proc Amp filter a lot of times to crush the blacks and produce a very contrasted image.