View Full Version : Final Cut Pro audio problem (nesting)

Justin Morgan
May 24th, 2006, 02:40 PM
I have a movie file in Final Cut Pro. I have nested it into a new sequence. My problem is that when I double click the nested sequence (and it opens the sequence in a seperate tabbed window) - when I make changes to the audio here and render and save it, when I go to the nested version the audio changes have not been implemented...

What am I doing wrong here? When I make changes tot he video tracks and render and save the changes are implemented - it's just not working with the audio...?

Jeff Pryor
October 29th, 2006, 11:16 PM
Chances are you've solved or worked around the problem by now, but I've found that when sometimes the files back on the main timeline (of a nested file) don't update after going in and changing the nested clips, it works to change the transparency or audio level of the clip (just move it, and then put it back where it's supposed to be) then re-render. It works for me. Otherwise as a last resort, just make one new aiff file of all the clips in the nest, and put it into the main timeline instead of the nest.

Nate Schmidt
October 30th, 2006, 09:10 AM
Sometimes audio problems can be fixed by doing a Sequence - Mixdown Audio in the original sequence and hopefully that should force it to updated in the nested sequence.