Eugene Bare
May 23rd, 2006, 04:31 PM
I got a call from a young latin girl wanting me to video her 16th birthday party. From what I understand it is a big deal in there culture. Does anyone have any idea what kind of cerimony or event this will be. I have only done "Regular" weddings. I want very much to do the best I can for them and don't want to show up unprepared.
Monday Isa
May 23rd, 2006, 04:50 PM
Hey Eugene,
My video business is primarily focused on these type of events. They are called Quinceaneras. In some cases they are as big as weddings. I can give you a quick shot list of what I usually expect and comes to past. Just let me know. Pretty much film it like you were filming a wedding. Usually they have a Ceremony and it consists of a sermon, speeches, crown, shoes, and ring, processional, and recessional. The reception is where it can get really tricky. They usually have a huge dance that was coordinated that consists of 18 teenagers on the floor dancing. So you want a long shot and 2nd cam getting the closeups or medium shots. (your preference) Lastly be ready to eat, they are going to fill you up on food. They know how to party. Take Care. The young girl who is having the birthday can translate for you to the parents IF TRANSLATION IS NEEDED. (in caps cause lots of parents speak english, but some do not) They really like a recap video with their dvds, it is a real seller, and referral generator.
Eugene Bare
May 23rd, 2006, 08:11 PM
Do you charge as much as a wedding or is the rate different for Quinceanera's ? How long do they usually last? The essential elements. sermon, speeches, crown, shoes, and ring, processional, and recessional. The Partying must go's on for hours.
Monday Isa
May 23rd, 2006, 10:27 PM
Pretty much, you charge the same as a wedding. If they want top quality they'll take it. I do personally charge less, it's less work that is fun to do. (that's my opinion) Your looking at almost a 12hr day. I've gotten some down to 7hrs and a few to 5 hrs onlocation recording. They really prefer till 12am for the videographer to leave. That part I don't understand yet. Usually after they cut the cake you can go.
Ceremony last 1 hr
Party last till 12am sometimes into the early morning.
My cheapest package I offer to them is $700 1cam ceremony 1 cam reception (3hrs) and few other things.
John Harmon
May 23rd, 2006, 10:35 PM
Best bet would be to treat it as a wedding. I've done a high school graduation video - I was just there for the party and had to incorporate footage the girl's dad shot at her commencement (yeah, his footage sucked). Just shoot whatever happens and worry about how to edit it later.
Eugene Bare
May 24th, 2006, 03:22 PM
I did quote her a lower price than a wedding, but it is my first shoot of this nature so I dont feel too bad about taking less. I just hope if this generates more of this type of work they dont expect the same. Thank you both for your input and advice.