View Full Version : Whoa! Optura 600 and S1 retired! There's only the Optura 50 left.

Michael Wisniewski
May 22nd, 2006, 02:46 AM
Strange and very interesting - see the Canon USA site (

Chris Hurd
May 22nd, 2006, 02:58 AM
Wow, kinda makes you wonder what they've got up their sleeve, doesn't it?

Philip Williams
May 22nd, 2006, 01:03 PM
Holy smokes! I was just looking at the site a couple days ago and they were still there. Both those cams, especially the S1, have been out for such a short time, I almost wonder if there's just a database glitch or something...

Dangit Chris, you know what they're up to, don't you!? The suspense is killing me, that Optura HDV MUST be around the corner.

OK, that's it, time to get the Star Wars collection ready for Ebay.

John McManimie
May 22nd, 2006, 01:33 PM
Maybe Canon is just clearing the line of the "duds" (as far as relative sales go).

The 50 and 60 are pretty much the same camcorder and it always seemed (on forums) that most people chose the 50 to save money. Many may have concluded that the Optura 60 wasn't worth the extra money just to get a video assist lamp, an "active" shoe, and a slightly longer lens.

The S1 seemed like the oddball, not really offering anything their other offerings (Optura 50) didn't have, with the exception of the tiny size and sleek styling.

I wish Canon had come out with a lower priced HDV offering (they will eventually). I am a Canon fan but I finally bought a Sony HC1 rather than wait (and wait and wait) --- I want to shoot now! :-)

Philip Williams
May 22nd, 2006, 03:25 PM
<snip>I wish Canon had come out with an lower priced HDV offering (they will eventually). I am a Canon fan but I finally bought a Sony HC1 rather than wait (and wait and wait) --- I want to shoot now! :-)

I wonder how many Canon fans wanting affordable HD went that route...

Frank Granovski
May 29th, 2006, 03:36 PM
That is strange. The 50 and 60 came out at the same time with the DIS's upright version just behind. Now only the 50 is left, and being flogged for $399 + $50 rebate (B&H). I have only 1 question: how's the low light?

Michael Wisniewski
May 29th, 2006, 09:38 PM
It's sufficient, but I'd recommend getting an onboard light for indoor & evening events.

Frank Granovski
May 29th, 2006, 11:01 PM
I was going to buy one from B&H today, but I read the rebate's valid only for Americans. So I passed. Maybe next year they'll have something cheap that doesn't suck lux and the rebate will be honored for Canadians too.

Michael Wisniewski
May 29th, 2006, 11:11 PM
The rebate is valid if you buy it from B&H, the only stipulation is it must be mailed to an address in the United States.

Frank Granovski
May 30th, 2006, 12:33 AM
Yeah, I can do that. But once I get the check to Canada, will it bounce? Nothing like a bouncing Canon check to screw up your credit rating.

Michael Wisniewski
May 30th, 2006, 01:45 AM
It's not going to bounce. Canon's not out to get you, they just want to sell you a camcorder.

Frank Granovski
May 30th, 2006, 02:48 AM
Yeah, but I would be cashing it in Canada, and the rebate's only good for Americans.

Kevin A. Sturges
May 30th, 2006, 11:53 AM
Can't believe they cancelled the Xi awhile ago....sniff ..sniff.
I still really like mine. Everytime I ALMOST make the plunge and get one of the new SONY consumer HD models, then I start thinking about my work flow. Can't see getting a new camera right now, then having to buy yet ANOTHER computer packed with all the neccesary widgets that will be outmoded by next year, just to edit the format.

And do I want to watch the output by playing back the tape from my camera to my HD set? No.

I'm still going to wait for a bit yet until the market evens out some more, and prices on accesories come down.

Frank Granovski
May 31st, 2006, 03:01 AM
Knowing Canon, they should have their new consumer cams out soon, like the end of June. We'll see if they'll bless us or screw us. The wait shouldn't be long.

Aaron McLellan
June 1st, 2006, 02:25 AM
After doing a lot of searching and reading, I wanted an Optura 50. I started my search of the local stores and only found one place that had them. They had 1 new in box and 2 open box I bought the last new one they had. I wastold by the sales person that they have nothing in the shipping chain for more 50's and does not see anything in the shipping chain new for Canon...but take that with a grain of salt...

Frank Granovski
June 6th, 2006, 03:05 AM
They're going for a song at B&H right now.

Bill Dooling
June 16th, 2006, 07:52 AM
They're going for a song at B&H right now.

I tried that, they wanted money.


Jeff Carbello
August 16th, 2006, 10:06 AM
Now the Optura 50 and 60 is discontinued. And no new announcments on any replacements to this line even though they are all more than a year old.

I wonder if the Elura will be the replacement for this line. Sounds very similar to Optura.

However, the current Elura 100 is no close competitor to the Optura's.

Does anyone think that we will see some new DV models from Canon that have a bigger CCD similar to the Optura 50? Maybe an Elura 200.

Or are the days for Canon DV MiniDV numbered with upcoming HD and DVD models? That is, Elura 100 being the last release we see without any models higher end than this for DV.

Michael Wisniewski
August 16th, 2006, 12:15 PM
The Optura line is designed to be superior to the Eluras, but it's up in air as to what Canon has planned in the consumer arena. The great price/performance ratio of the Optura 50 is probably due to it's being the last in the line of a particular product/technology cycle.

Traditionally, Canon used the Optura line to put as much technology as they could at around the $1,500 price point. Currently that spot is being held by the new HV10.

Chris Hurd
August 17th, 2006, 10:49 PM
Just to follow Michael's spot-on-as-usual post, in my opinion the "Optura replacement line" is now starting with the HV10 high definition camcorder. DV will probably stick around for another year or two at the $200 to $400 price point. Some day soon I imagine you can buy a blister-packed Canon ZR out of a vending machine. But as for high-end consumer models, that's all going HDV, and not too long from now probably AVCHD as well.