Mike Berlucchi
May 21st, 2006, 01:24 AM
This is my first attempt at a music video, it's for the band Red Letter Red for their single "MakeYaBody." It was shot with a XL2 and the 14x manual lens. Sorry about the compression I will post a higher res. version soon.
Devon Lyon
May 21st, 2006, 09:12 AM
Excellent work. I will be shooting a music video in late july with the XL2 and the LetusXL Flip, so I'm always curious how others approach the shoot with the XL2.
How did you get the cool streaking light effect? What settings did you shoot at, 24p?
Finally, although highly compressed, it looks like the dark night club scenes turned out great...what did you do to acheive it?
Mike Berlucchi
May 21st, 2006, 10:20 AM
Thanks Devon, we built a wall with 100 watt everyday lightbulbs which is behind them. We then lit them from the front with 2 1k fresnels and from top with a 250w fresnel. The streaking light effect was done in after effects and the dimming of the lights was just me playing with the iris. I made a big mistake and didnt pay attention to my shutter for alot of the time and had it set at 1/24 while shooting 24p so that explains most of the blur. You learn from your mistakes though. As for other settings, white balance was set to tungsten and gain to -3. But have fun and good luck on your shoot.