View Full Version : Downconvert from 720/25p to 576/50p or 480/60p

Trung Dau
May 20th, 2006, 08:01 PM
I shot the footage in 720/25p for my project. In the end I recognize that my budget doesn't allow me to have the HDV editing system. So i want to downconvert HDV to SD ( 576/50p or 480/60p) because school of my doesn't have any hdv deck or HDV editing system or even HD monitor, but they have everything for SD. What a horrible school!!!! HD and HDV is comming widespread.

Adobe Premiere can capture HDV via firewire 720/25p and downconvert to 576/50p or 480/60p then export the tape BUT my JVC HD100e( European version) doesn't have input, so it can't handle recording. Instead od the JVC HD100E, CAn i use the DVcam deck for recording all the downconverted footage ( 576/50p or 480/60p) in my computer?

And another solution is : I don't know if it works when i use DVcam to capture sd (576/50p or 480/60p) from my original HDV tapes?
If anyone has exprience about downconverting, please give me some advice or other solutions. I will appreciate for ur kindness.
Anyway English is not my mother tounge and I'm a very beginer, so if there's is anything wrong, please correct me.

Graham Hickling
May 20th, 2006, 08:43 PM
> my JVC HD100e( European version) doesn't have input

I would have thought you would be able to get SD or DV footage back onto your HD100e via firewire? Is that not so?

Trung Dau
May 20th, 2006, 09:17 PM
NO i don't think so. BEcause in Europe there r 2 version, JVC HD100e only output, and the JVC HD101E input and output.It's not fair at all even the price of HD100E more expensive than the HD100U and the HD101E is more more.. :(

Graham Hickling
May 20th, 2006, 09:53 PM
Ohhhh...that stupid tax regulation, right?

Well, the short answer to your question is that yes, you should be able to downconvert, and then export back out to a DVcam deck. However, I think you will need to downconvert to 576 50i, not 50p, and use a DV codec for your compression.

If your deck is PAL, it probably won't accept 480 60i (or 60p).

Trung Dau
May 20th, 2006, 10:03 PM
even without the stupid tax, it's still more expensive. THe Price i bought is about 4,817.00 EUR = 6,143.15 USD plus 19% tax. I wish i could escape from here. Thanks from ur answer. Does it work well when i downconvert from 720/25 to 576/50i. I wonder because i was shooting is 25fps, And i nerver try that.

Trung Dau
May 22nd, 2006, 01:11 AM
Thanks from ur answer. Does it work well when i downconvert from 720/25 to 576/50i. I wonder because i was shooting is 25fps, And i nerver try that.[/QUOTE]

Graham Hickling
May 22nd, 2006, 07:51 AM
The resizing down works fine. And converting 25p to 50i is straightforward - each frame just becomes a pair of repeated fields. The only reason you are needing to make that conversion that is the (standard) DVCam codec - which you need to use to be able to transfer between hardware - doesnt support progressive.

At least that's my understanding of what you'll need to do.