Jacob Ehrichs
May 20th, 2006, 07:03 AM
Currently I'm using premiere 6 and AE 6.5 just FYI.
From my understanding, if you make any changes to DV footage, other than cuts, you need to rerender the clip and if going back to a lossless codec like DV you'll have a generational loss.
My question concerns using dissolves between clips. In premiere, it appears that it only has to rerender the portions of the 2 clips that are enveloped in the dissolve. Everything else in the clip does not need to be rerendered and doesn't suffer a generational loss. Is this correct?
I shot a small high school production and I'd like to do some post in AE, but I think it'd be easiest for me to edit down the captured clips, export them as DV since it wouldn't be a generation loss, do the post in AE and render out to a lossless like Huffy, and reimport them where they should be in premiere, keeping the audio from the originals as I usually only render out the video from premiere to AE and back. Opinions on this workflow?
From my understanding, if you make any changes to DV footage, other than cuts, you need to rerender the clip and if going back to a lossless codec like DV you'll have a generational loss.
My question concerns using dissolves between clips. In premiere, it appears that it only has to rerender the portions of the 2 clips that are enveloped in the dissolve. Everything else in the clip does not need to be rerendered and doesn't suffer a generational loss. Is this correct?
I shot a small high school production and I'd like to do some post in AE, but I think it'd be easiest for me to edit down the captured clips, export them as DV since it wouldn't be a generation loss, do the post in AE and render out to a lossless like Huffy, and reimport them where they should be in premiere, keeping the audio from the originals as I usually only render out the video from premiere to AE and back. Opinions on this workflow?