View Full Version : Podcasting a Wedding or Web Download

Chris Day
May 20th, 2006, 03:14 AM
Hi all,

I am seeking feedback on what other videographers in the Wedding Industry think about making available a podcast of a segment such as Highlights of a Wedding. I am estimating that it would go for around 1/2 hr featuring... coverage of.

1. Brides House/Grooms House
2. Ceremony (realtime for vows ring exchange)
3. Congratulations/Photos
4. Reception
5. Bridal Waltz (realtime)
6. Until Farewells

All set to music....not sure how you could go about licensing of the music to be used....could have the footage password protected via Digital Rights Management where the client has a username and password given to others to download their Highlights or their wedding.

This could be a feature for download from your website as part of the packaged booked by the client.


Is there more emphasis if the client has relatives that live in other parts of the world and they could not attend the Wedding but could just download the Highlights of the Wedding over the internet in either QuickTime or Windows WMV format.

Interested in your thoughts and feedback.



Have you had clients ask for this??

Giroud Francois
May 20th, 2006, 04:44 AM
Broadcasting in realtime is easy , a simple laptop would fit, but it will be hard to find an high speed internet connection in a church.
So the best is to cut the best part and publish in the next days after the event on the web. I think 10 to 15 minute movie is already a lot.
You need a web site with pretty good bandwith allowed , since you never know how many people can look at it.
I got a friend who do that (not only for wedding).
He publish video and pictures, the next day of the event, so the customer and friends can see and eventually order pictures.
If you are well organized, it cost nothing, it is better than any business card, and it make the customer happy.