View Full Version : Sound issues with Cineform

Enginn Heima
May 14th, 2006, 03:33 AM
I'm new on this forum, since it looks like there are some lively Cineform discussions going on here.

Now, my first problem was some "wobbly low-end sound distortions" in the capture with the 4.0.2 but it seems as if it's fixed with 4.0.3. But what I'm dealing with now, is the synchronisation of the sound. (It also was a problem in the 4.0.2. When I'm logging clips and doing batch capture, the sound is usually NOT in synch. The problem doesn't occur as frequently when I do on-the-fly capture, but this problem is most annoying. Does anybody have an explanation for this problem.

Best regards.
Enginn Heima

P.S. Windows Xp SP2, Asus p4c800 deluxe with p4 2.6ghz and 2gb RAM and a dedicated S-ATA media drive. Pyro firewire capture card and Canon XL H1 as a deck. Rushes shot in 25F mode of the same camera.

David Newman
May 14th, 2006, 10:45 AM
There isn't like to be sync issue as video and audio signals are clocked together. You can verify the sync with the waveform within Premiere. Your CPU is likely the issue, as 2.6 Mhz is below the minimum spec. It might simply be dropping video frames during playback, cause the playback audio shift.

Enginn Heima
May 15th, 2006, 04:19 PM
Hello David.

You're everywhere!

Well, I've checked the waveforms, and it doesnt match. For sure, the synchro problem is due to the capture and it is not due to a slow processing during playback...


David Newman
May 15th, 2006, 04:27 PM
Then is must be your PC is dropping frame on capture. This is why we have minimum system specs as weirdness can occur on slower PCs. To work around a slow PC, you will have to capture with HDLink and auto-convert turned off. The convert the M2T data once the capture has completed.

Bobby Hester
May 18th, 2006, 08:02 PM
I had the same audio sync problem a couple weeks ago. In capture preferences make sure that Maintain Audio Pitch is turned off. I will knock you audio out of sync even though the rate change box is set to no change. I had to recapture 10 hours of footage because of this bug.

Enginn Heima
May 29th, 2006, 02:56 PM
Thank you Bobby, but the problem remains. One out of three batch captures are out of synch. But when I capture on-the-fly, no problem. Solution: no more logging and batch capturing... It's slowing down my process that I can't log and batch capture, but I live with it.

Enginn Heima