View Full Version : HELP!!!editing 24p on avid express

Allen Thok
May 12th, 2006, 04:00 PM
Hey you guys. I'm in the beginning process of editing my short. We shot it in 24p on the xl2 and will be editing on a MAC with Avid express. THE QUESTION I HAVE IS A TECHINICAL ONE. CAN I EDIT "OFF LINE" STRAIGHT INTO THE COMPUTER OR DO I NEED TO BUMP IT TO A DECK AND TRANSFERS IT TO ANOTHER TAPE. THE ONLY THING ABOUT BUMPING IT TO A DECK IS THAT SOMEONE TOLD ME IT WOULD TRANSFER TO "30 P". WILL I LOSE THE "24 P" LOOK OR IS IT SOMETHING TECHNICAL. OR CAN I JUST EDIT STRAIGHT INTO THE COMPUTER. sorry for sounding stupid, but i'm just trying to understand the process. PLEASE SOME HELP!!

Joseph Andolina
May 12th, 2006, 04:28 PM
I've personally used a cheaper mini-dv camera to capture into my mac with FCP. It has never effected the footage. I've shot 24pn. I'm not sure if 24pa would be a problem or not. But I'm led to believe that it shouldn't matter.