View Full Version : Question about SDE. Thanks for comments
Monday Isa May 11th, 2006, 10:05 PM Hi,
Got a quick question for those who do same day edits or have a great deal of knowledge on them. When you play the video at the reception do you use your own projector or a rental? I have a Quinceanera in June and the young girl wants her life photo/video montage played during the reception. Many thanks for comments
Patrick Moreau May 12th, 2006, 11:07 AM We do more reception presentations/love stories than SDE but for both, we use our own projector, screen and stereo, unless a reliable and quality alternative is available in house.
Joe Allen Rosenberger May 12th, 2006, 01:34 PM unless you want to make the investment for a projector(spare bulb), screen, speakers/amp/mixer(you cant always rely on house or dj sound), dvd player(and back up dvd player), all sorts of cables, and extra cables plus someone to help you in the field....because its just too much for "one" to handle especially if youre doing an SDE....I would higly suggest yo find various "reliable/reputable AV projection companies to "subcontract" the actual projection part.
this is what my company does, so we just pass the buck on to the client(from the projectionist)....
we do however charge extra for SDE's.
maybe after you do a handful, and have helpers you can rely on....then may be a good time to reconsider purchasing your own AV equipment.
for now....try to make your life less stressful as SDE'e can put a lot of presure on you giving short time to do them.
good luck.
Mark von lanken sells training DVD's on this specific topic.....i believe so.
David Avedikian May 12th, 2006, 05:05 PM Some locations will have a projector and screen available for use. I did a quinceanera where they wanted the through the years video played during the reception and it went over very well. The location had the equipment.
I do not have my own yet, but have a quote from a local A/V rental shop for all the gear in case I am asked. You can rent it yourself and pass on a percentage of the cost to the client for handling it. It's going to be more expensive than if you owned the equipment, but if they want it bad enough, they will pay for it. Otherwise you're off the hook in supplying it.
Monday Isa May 13th, 2006, 10:19 PM Thanks guys for the input. Very much appreciated. David can I send you a PM to know more of your experience of filming Quinceanera's? I'm always desiring to learn more from many people? Thanks again Patrick and Joe.
Eric Hansen May 13th, 2006, 11:21 PM When we present our montages, SDE, or Date Videos we find out from the start if they will provide a TV or we ask if they would like to rent one from us for a certain fee. Always works great..
Eric Hansen
Tom Tomkowiak May 14th, 2006, 08:18 AM Last fall the groom's folks were so pleased with the life photo/video montage I put together to be played at the rehearsal dinner, they asked me if I had any problem if they made arrangements for it to be played at the reception the next day.
I normally handle the arrangements, but they'll take care of all the details? Great! One less thing for me to worry about.
The reception started at about 4 pm in the fellowship hall, which was the former church. Big windows, no curtains, and sunshine blazing in. The video was projected on a white bedsheet hung on the north wall right next to a west wall window (sunny side). The audio was great, but the image was viewable only briefly while a stray cloud or two briefly blocked the sunlight.
Most people thought the audio was just background music for the reception, and those who noticed some movement on the bedsheet wondered WTF that was all about, then turned away and continued on with their chit chat.
So, lesson learned is if you're bringing your own equipment, check out well before hand the conditions where the video will be played. If somone else says they'll take care of everything, I now also check out the location ahead of time, ask questions, and "offer" advice.
(I wasn't blamed for the poor showing, but I sure wasn't mentioning to any of the guests that that was my product.)
Monday Isa May 14th, 2006, 05:18 PM This is great. I get both sides on this thought sweet. Thanks Eric and Tom.