View Full Version : ReHash: HDV 1080i to 720 24p

Dave Halliday
May 11th, 2006, 09:34 AM
I know we've covered this a couple times before, but I'd like to get some feedback on this.

I just got my macbook pro (the tightness) and I'm editing some 1080i HDV stock footage on FC Studio this weekend. I'd like to do two exports:

1. HDV 1080i
2. 720p 24 (DVCProHD)

Obviously, I've got the HDV export down pat. Converting to DVCProHD 720p 24 is getting to me. Each clip is about 10 seconds with about 10 total clips. What is a solid recommended workflow here?

Ron Pfister
May 11th, 2006, 03:54 PM
I'm going to go down that line soon, too, and hoped to be able to do it in FCP. Have you tried to create a new sequence with 720p preset, then copy and paste the content of the 1080i sequence into it an render? That's one way it _should_ work. I haven't had a chance to try yet...

What does work is to export 1080i (e.g. in AIC) out of FCP and then convert to 720p using MPEG Streamclip. Edit: I've tried this in DVCProHD 25p, originating from 50i. Obviously, that's much easier to do. Can't comment on 60i to 24p, unfortunately...

Let me know what you find!



Nate Weaver
May 11th, 2006, 05:29 PM
Compressor has extra math in the frame rate conversion and scaling operations that FCP doesn't have internally. Often I'll try a conversion in FCP that turns out pretty sad, but compressor, with experimentation, comes through.

Check in the "frame control" panel of a compressor preset.

Nathan Troutman
May 11th, 2006, 08:32 PM
Compressor does work pretty well and was specifically redesigned for exactly what you're trying to do: scaling, deinterlacing, and changing to another format. You need to be careful setting the frame controls as even using the better settings can create a setting that takes excessively long to export. Try very small samples untill you get a setting that works well for your set-up and produces the best results.

Dave Halliday
May 17th, 2006, 06:40 AM
Great. I just got FC Studio 5.1. I'm going to play around with the new compressor tonight.