View Full Version : AVCHD format is good?

Kenji Kodama
May 10th, 2006, 10:41 PM
How do you think of the new comsumer DVD HD fomat AVCHD?

8cm DVD
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
max 18Mbps

Keith Wakeham
May 13th, 2006, 03:58 PM
650 nm, thats red laser, dvd tech isn't it? So essentially 8cm DVD's with high end compression.

Seams like WMV DVD's all over, but with like 1/3 the potential content.

This is probably going to be used not as a commercial dstribution product but as a replacement for DVD cameras for the move to HD. Just like HDV all over again, we got portable DVD drives, lets use them rather than make portable burners for that form factor.

Although if i could read japanese, i'd know more than that format table

Chris Hurd
May 13th, 2006, 04:06 PM
I believe it's just the Japanese version of the same AVCHD press release that we've already been talking about. See

David Heath
May 13th, 2006, 04:36 PM
650 nm, thats red laser, dvd tech isn't it? So essentially 8cm DVD's with high end compression.
From what I'm hearing (such as at ) AVCHD only refers to the coding method, and not the method of recording it, (Unlike HDV which refers to a particular data stream AND the way it's recorded to tape.)

Red laser discs seem to be Sonys way of recording it (blue laser drives to follow?), and SD cards Panasonics way. Maybe somebody else will bring out a harddrive AVCHD camera in the future?

Wayne Morellini
May 13th, 2006, 05:16 PM
If formats were only tied to certain media (a thought that pops up around the place) then you would not be able to record HDV or MiniDV to disk, so lots of things are possible, if companies line up.

Formats like 2Mb/s VGA Mpeg4 and 8MB/s+ DVD (I thought there was a 12Mb/s variable one way back) were designed for the limited storage capability/cost of their media. But now Flash memory has grown in leaps and bounds, and we have dual layer DVD and Blu-ray formats, it is feasible to look at bigger data streams.