View Full Version : Videography opportunity of a lifetime
David Yuen May 9th, 2006, 03:14 PM I'm not sure if this belongs in Area 51...
At least we'll be prepared to video record this tsunami.
How long can you tread water?
By Eric Julien, MAY 3, 2006.
This is the third article on my prediction of huge tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean on MAY 25, 2006. It aims first of all at safeguarding the lives of the coastal populations around the Atlantic Ocean where a fragment from comet SW-3 will impact, involving a brutal awakening of underwater volcanoes.
Jim Michael May 9th, 2006, 03:52 PM I'm sold. Pass the Kool-Aid.
Tim Borek May 10th, 2006, 09:19 AM Good way to sell a book. If he's right, God help us all. (The government won't, that's for sure.)
I recommend shooting this from a helicopter near the shore. Stay clear of the mid-Atlantic though!
Keith Loh May 10th, 2006, 10:00 AM What a crappy website. If the news is so serious you would think he would put the explanation of his warning on the front page.
Also, is it usual that flying craft (spaceship)'s speed is measured in knots?
Craig Terott May 10th, 2006, 10:45 AM Definately Area 51...
So out of 6 billion people on the planet - the friendly aliens wanted to communicate with him. He's a lucky guy.
I think that might be luckier than getting struck by lightening while holding the winning mega-jackpot ticket in your hand.
Matt Gottshalk May 10th, 2006, 11:12 AM I have ammo and food for 3 you?
George Ellis May 10th, 2006, 11:28 AM Area 52. Spaceweather says the event is the 10th-16th.
Jim Michael May 10th, 2006, 03:11 PM I have ammo and food for 3 you?
I don't think your ammo will be a match for the 200 foot wall of water.
Daniel Bates May 10th, 2006, 04:07 PM Definitely Area 51, and then Gone but Not Forgotten [edit: The Archives] after May 25.
Marcus Marchesseault May 10th, 2006, 09:39 PM I live in the Pacific Ocean, so I'm okay. You guys are all screwed, even Europe and Africa. I guess California should be fine as the Rocky Mountains should protect you.
I promise to have my eyes glued to CNN and feel really bad for at least two or three days when the rest of you are fish food. I would feel more sympathy for you, but you were warned in advance...
I mean, it was on the internet...that means it is beyond reproach, right?
Just in case, I'm getting a roll of quarters and a new pair of Nike's.
Chris Hurd May 11th, 2006, 06:45 AM I'm in a good mood, so Area 51 it is.
Wayne Morellini May 11th, 2006, 06:37 PM Good way to sell a book. If he's right, God help us all. (The government won't, that's for sure.)
I recommend shooting this from a helicopter near the shore. Stay clear of the mid-Atlantic though!
If he's right, you move to Texas ;)
Definitely Area 51...
So out of 6 billion people on the planet - the friendly aliens wanted to communicate with him. He's a lucky guy.
Or, very unlucky aliens!
I live in the Pacific Ocean, so I'm okay. You guys are all screwed, even Europe and Africa. I guess California should be fine as the Rocky Mountains should protect you.
You better hope that their calculations are not out by more than a few hours.
"Step up, step up folks, the World keeps turning, where it hits....".
I hope he isn't hosting this server on the east coast, it would make it difficult to co-ordinate disaster relief efforts for his alien friends.
Jack Zhang May 12th, 2006, 12:19 AM You never know if it's true, oh and by the way, anyone going there must be in a helicopter to shoot the wave coming in.
Wayne Morellini May 12th, 2006, 01:58 AM Or, have that Brear Robo suite, air tank and a surfboard. No, I'm joking. I have heard these things before, from time to time. Pray to God, if it's true, that it doesn't happen. But some how I doubt it will.
And I hope it doesn't. :)
Nick Hiltgen May 12th, 2006, 08:06 AM So like, what he's saying is, If I have a shoot in Cannes around that time I should pack a rain cover or something?
Dale Paterson May 13th, 2006, 12:52 AM Does anyone know what software he used to create those pictures of earth with the markups? I wan't it!
Frank Granovski May 13th, 2006, 08:22 PM I don't get it. :)
Wayne Morellini May 13th, 2006, 08:57 PM Hey, I tried looking up those sites again, and now it can't locate the remote server. Do you think he might have seen my comment yesterday and relocated his site out of the east coast into the west coast ;) .
I'd be interested where ever his house is in the strike zone or not, and where ever or not he is trying to sell it? I think people that write stuff like this usually believe what they say through.
Jack Zhang May 14th, 2006, 02:29 PM That's a huge shame we can't see the stuff anymore!
Wayne Morellini May 14th, 2006, 07:00 PM Do you think it might be a conspiracy to depopulate parts of the Atlantic sea board so that people from the deep hills of Arkansas can take them over?
Richard Plumridge May 15th, 2006, 06:42 AM All I can say is that I love being in Australia :)
Jack Zhang May 16th, 2006, 10:49 PM The site's back up with a new design.
Craig Terott May 17th, 2006, 06:37 AM T minus 8 days & counting...
Not even Jack Bauer can stop this from happening.
[The "24" clock counts down...]
Keith Loh May 17th, 2006, 08:21 AM Pretty soon there won't be enough time to read his book!
Tim Goldman May 17th, 2006, 09:13 AM what? a tidal tsunami. Well this is real, the discovery channel has a show about it. Except it's one of thoese "in the future" shows. Theres a huge fault running through one of the Canary islands or Azores islands i think it was. Anyway part of this island will one dya fall into the sea. This is spose to produce a mega tsunami or something. But they also have that show where yellowstone blows up, so i guess it's just dangerous everywhere.
Well hey look at this, it is the canary islands after all
Wayne Morellini May 17th, 2006, 10:36 AM Maybe we should stop this, as it is poor taste, and wait to see what happens. Then we can comment.
Survival tip:
100 Meter waves:
Mountains aren't going to stop it unless the mountain is pretty big, the secret is energy dissipation (the reason these waves can turn corners). There is the risk that the wave might have so much energy as to ride up and over the mountain, so it is best to have at least one mountain between you and the mountain you are standing on, as if the wave has enough energy it could ride up the second mountain etc as well. If on a table top mountain plain, try to find very high hills far in the plain, as the water may well just flow around it.
Well, at least my survival plan, for something like this, is something like that.
Tim Goldman May 17th, 2006, 11:02 AM my advice is learn to swim, or be a good freind of aquaman.
Keith Loh May 17th, 2006, 12:51 PM I'm pretty sure Jack Bauer can punch the wave away.
Tim Goldman May 17th, 2006, 08:08 PM you know, there may be something going on here that we don't know about...
kinda spooky
Stu Holmes May 18th, 2006, 03:30 PM Theres a huge fault running through one of the Canary islands or Azores islands i think it was.Tenerife. One of the Canary Islands. Bye-bye East Coast..
Jack Zhang May 18th, 2006, 10:42 PM ^Or...
La Palma, Volcano erupts, Landslide occurs, Bye bye East coast.
Deep Impact actually gives you a good idea of what this event might look like, of course, after this we'll have real footage of one.
Nick Hiltgen May 18th, 2006, 11:44 PM I heard bush bombed the canary islands already in attempt to fight the bird-flu.
But seriously, I've already paid my security deposit for my apartment in atlanta, if it get's wiped out do I get my deposit back or am I just S.O.L. cause well that would suck.
Jim Michael May 19th, 2006, 05:34 AM I heard bush bombed the canary islands already in attempt to fight the bird-flu.
Too funny.
But seriously, I've already paid my security deposit for my apartment in atlanta, if it get's wiped out do I get my deposit back or am I just S.O.L. cause well that would suck.
Elevation here is about 1000 feet. Be sure to buy gas on the 24th.
Tim Goldman May 19th, 2006, 07:08 AM Hey, I live right buy one of the few ountains around atlanta (no not stone). So I'll just run up there when that 1000 foot wave comes. More likely I'll just drive to alabama....well on second thought maybe not
Nick Hiltgen May 19th, 2006, 09:22 AM Jim so what you're saying is I could have Beach front property then eh? If gas prices end up going crazy(er) I'm just converting my car to biodeisel earlier then I had planned.
Craig Terott May 22nd, 2006, 11:14 AM T minus 3 days & counting till dooms day.
Dale Mellinger May 22nd, 2006, 03:51 PM How far east should I go to be able to tape it? I'm in PA, will that work?
It's amazing what shows up online. (lol)
Jim Michael May 22nd, 2006, 04:08 PM Hey, I live right buy one of the few ountains around atlanta (no not stone). So I'll just run up there when that 1000 foot wave comes. More likely I'll just drive to alabama....well on second thought maybe not
Is that banjo pickin' I hear?
IIRC, the wave should be 200 meters or a little over 600 feet, so I think you'll be OK at 1000 feet elevation. Then again, it's not my fantasy so what do I know? I'll be in the Stinson, just in case.
The concept of beachfront property will be rather transitory.
Tim Goldman May 22nd, 2006, 04:32 PM 600 feet? well there goes florida!
I saw on the news today about what would happen if a cat 3 hurricane hit NYC. let's just say things would be soggy all over....wall street would get 7 feet of water!
Dale Guthormsen May 22nd, 2006, 06:44 PM I just dropped in and its a good thing. Up here in Saskatchewan Canada It would never get here.
But I do have old friends who would live to die surfing a 200 foot title wave and for that reason I forwarded the information. Just dont Pearl and remeber to pull out before the big break!!! One heck of a ride.
Wayne Morellini May 22nd, 2006, 07:48 PM Is that banjo picking' I hear?
IIRC, the wave should be 200 meters or a little over 600 feet, so I think you'll be OK at 1000 feet elevation. Then again, it's not my fantasy so what do I know? I'll be in the Stinson, just in case.
The concept of beachfront property will be rather transitory.
He's on a, MUD, mountain ;)
It doesn't matter how high you are, it's all about energy in waves. So, a 30 foot wave could be forced up a 1000 foot slope covering it with 10cm of water and causing you to slide down it, to your DOOM ;). But it would be more then pretty rare to have a 30 foot wave that could do that, or any wave. Most likely it would just cause the mountain to crumble, to your doom!
So, plan for 1000 foot wave, helicopter with extra fuel and rations, seeds, chickens, ducks, goats and sheep, hang the cattle underneath, the most stable mountain left after the flood, for a landing platform, and climbing gear.
Dale Mellinger May 23rd, 2006, 07:33 AM But what if there are more fragments than he expects?
What if one hits your helicopter?!?
I wonder how many people buy into this sort of thing?
Meryem Ersoz May 23rd, 2006, 07:52 AM tick tock tick tock tick tock
that's the sound of the doomsday clock ticking down.
some days it's good to live at a 6000 ft. elevation.....the only thing hammering on us here is that chimerical GLOBAL WARMING which doesn't exist. unless you're used to seeing glaciers in the high country where now there are none....
oddly, the stock market is laying out a pretty good set-up for a crash day on the 25th...not saying this will happen, just saying that the set-up is growing increasingly favorable for this to happen. or highly unfavorable, if you're sitting on a lot of stocks purchased three weeks ago....
the market mavens must be working very hard to get this to coincide this this whole tidal wave, meteor fragment event.....
conspiracies R us!
Tim Goldman May 23rd, 2006, 08:27 AM Look, the main point is we all only have a nother day or 2 to live before a monster wave gets us. Even at 6,000 ft your not safe. The alien overloards are really mad and their all set to throw some rocks at earth.
But, i'm willing to use my telepatthic powers to contact the overlords and have them call of the strike. Now you'll wonder why I would do this right? We'll I do it not for a reason but for a brand new xl2 or equal qaulity camera. It's not that high of a price to pay, all libing being son ewarth for one small new camera of reasonable quality.
Now think about htis, it's limited time offer
Wayne Morellini May 23rd, 2006, 07:13 PM But what if there are more fragments than he expects?
What if one hits your helicopter?!?
I wonder how many people buy into this sort of thing?
Well, your not such a good helicopter pilot if you can't dodge the odd meteor fragment. "Hey, what's that flaming dart heading towards us? Do you think we should hover here or dodge it, and what are we doing out in the middle of the Atlantic thousands of miles away from a fuel source anyway?" Scary isn't it ;)
Chinese Whispers, notice how information about this event keeps changing, even though it was written down in the initial posts?
tick tock tick tock tick tock
that's the sound of the doomsday clock ticking down.
some days it's good to live at a 6000 ft. elevation
Unless an passing alien space ship, or a meteor, passes buy and sucks off the upper atmosphere!
oddly, the stock market is laying out a pretty good set-up for a crash day on the 25th...the market mavens must be working very hard to get this to coincide this this whole tidal wave, meteor fragment event.....
conspiracies R us!
Well maybe they are just trying to limit the damage to one day, to be more efficient. Hey, are you a member of the CIA?
True story (well allegedly, according to the a few friends of a reporter go out to the country cornfields for a bit of fun own weekend. On going back to the pub, probably thinking of that dozy Mel Gibson film ("Awakenings", was it) they watch as everybody gathers about the New Crop circles. Seeing a bunch of crop circle chasers there theorising the origins of the marvel between themselves, they confess everything about how they did it with planks and rope, even the Mandelbrot shape patterns. Get this, the Crop Circle chasers then accuse them of being sent by the government to spread mis-information. Hilarious the Brits, odd coincidence that it seems a prime place for crop circles at the same time. I've seen alleged evidence that rules out people with planks and rope for all the circles, and I doubt aliens are involved though (besides walking around in circles with planks of wood, in damp ground is bound to leave indentations that should be noticeable to investigators). I mean these aliens are supposed to be intelligent, if they want to send the people of America or England a message, why don't they write it in "English"! Actually why don't they hack into a net server and send an email to everybody on the planet, or televise it on TV! Stuff, these mysterious little, stage shy, aliens, not only do they waste time on mysterious little messages in corn, they have to pick a guy to tell that a portion of the planets population is goign to be wiped out, with enough lead way that he could publish a book to make a profit from it. Hello, why not just land on the president of CNN lawn and give a statement, or better yet, couldn't you have beamed it into the head of the President of the USA?
Craig Terott May 24th, 2006, 07:32 AM The end is near :P
Tim Goldman May 24th, 2006, 09:24 AM Ok, so are we dead? or is that in another day or two? It's humid here, but I dunno if I'd say we're underwater
Tim Goldman May 25th, 2006, 01:18 PM huh, maybe this is real
Keith Loh May 25th, 2006, 01:45 PM Eric Julien's website appears to be down.
Perhaps it is being titled "SavelivesinJuly".
Wayne Morellini May 25th, 2006, 09:34 PM This thread linked on that page is of interest. Apparently this comet is splitting into fragments, but I briefly scanned the article and didn't see an Earth fly by date.
Does it matter that comets are largely made up of ice and loss debris. What does a ice-ball plus a fireball in the atmosphere equal, gas and water vapor and some, mostly loss, debris. The amount of energy released equals weight times speed. How much does frozen water and gas weight compared to rock? Given that comet, or rock, will either have around the same speed, or the comet much less as it fans out in the atmosphere, and that every time you halve the speed the energy is going to be 4 times less. So a hit might have little chance of actually causing a catastrophic failure in the volcanic region by the time the energy gets to the see floor, unless the sea floor is very fragile (I'm taken that the strike is supposed to be on water) which means such a catastrophe was likely to happen anyway, with or without a meteor, unless the build up or energy was due to rise and settle down before reaching near the pinnacle of volcanic cascade.
I'm winging it here, but from my little knowledge that seems to be it. So yes, if it happens and doesn't strike in in a big pile, it will still be dangerous from the bits of debris, the ones that don't get burned up in the atmosphere.