View Full Version : Input VHS

Tommy Davis
May 7th, 2006, 06:58 PM
Hi: So I am going to need to import VHS Tapes into a documentary that was filmed in HDV on the HD100. I was setting up right now to merely import the footage connecting a VCR to the camera when I realized it's not possible? Is there going to be a way to import this VHS footage so that I can have it in 16:9 HDV? Am I going to have to crop the VHS image to have a 16:9 image?


Chris Hurd
May 7th, 2006, 07:06 PM
You're probably much better off by doing this with an editing system, not a camera. What platform are you using right now, PC or Mac? Do you have a capture card capable of handling analog inputs? There are several A/D converters from Canopus which will take an incoming analog signal and convert it to DV. You can up-rez the DV to HD once it's in your editing computer.

Tommy Davis
May 7th, 2006, 07:34 PM
Chris: I haven't decided on an editing system but for better or worse it looks like we're going to try it on FCP. I'll go ahead and worry about capturing this footage once we have the editing bay up and working.

