View Full Version : 970 Generic Battery Recommendation

Paul Dhadialla
May 4th, 2006, 09:47 AM
Hi guys - can you please recommend a good, reliable generic Sony 970 Replacement battery ? (on ebay etc.)

Any personal experiences ?? Good / Bad

Or if you recommend "against" using generic batteries - please advise

This is for a Z1U

Thanks kindly

Chris Barcellos
May 4th, 2006, 09:56 AM
I have been using a Lenmar since October as my primary battery, and have had no problems with charging or shooting. Purchased at Frys at a substantial savings.

Joe Lumbroso
May 4th, 2006, 10:04 AM
I only use Sony batteries because I subscribe to the "better safe than sorry" train of thought.

More info on Z1/FX-1 batteries can be found on this thread:

Allen Lu
May 4th, 2006, 11:55 AM
I purchased my NP970 battery for my FX-1 from eBay and a seller named Carol or Kathy. its the real deal and was for apprx $49 or around. I think thats a good price and you get the real deal.

PS - wow I just searched for 970 and theres only one battery at $47 and its not the real one. I guess the NP-970 supplied all dried out.
I suggest you wait until it gets listed again. This is a really good and long lasting battery.

Mike Toledano
May 4th, 2006, 02:42 PM
You can find a bunch if you search f970.

Matt Davis
May 4th, 2006, 06:13 PM
can you please recommend a good, reliable generic Sony 970 Replacement battery?

I use these:

Also discussed here:

Heath McKnight
May 31st, 2006, 10:15 AM
I can't stress it enough, 970s are the best batteries I've ever used on a sub-$10,000 camera, aside from Anton Bauer, of course.


Paul Dhadialla
May 31st, 2006, 06:46 PM
Thanks Heath ! I bought 2 - 970's a few weeks back and picking up 2 more locally for my Z1

Also trying 2 of the Impact Batteries from BH (shipped yesterday) - for a 10/20 Sony Light I just ordered. I heard these are solid batteries as well.

I have 2 770's as well backup.

I have a dsr300 aswell - which is totally operating on Anton Bauer. They are nice but my gosh what a weight difference.


Heath McKnight
May 31st, 2006, 07:33 PM

We use the DVX100a batteries and we go through all four (two small ones, two medium sized ones--I'd like to get the jumbo ones) all day, sometimes having to use one of the medium ones again, making it five.

Z1 batteries--usually we use all of 1 and most of the 2nd in one day.

Nothing worse than having dead batteries in the middle of nowhere. (Tip: remember to CHARGE the night before--I goofed and screwed up my friend's gig with my soon-to-be-former HD10.)


Leo Pepingco
May 31st, 2006, 10:03 PM
I had two sony digital cameras back in the late 90's all L series, with the NP-f serial before the number.

If all else fails, and you are out of warranty on your FX1 or Z1, then use them for about 1-2 hours worth of extra shooting time, IF YOU REALLY NEED IT DESPERATELY. The Manual says to not use these batteries in the back of the manual, in tiny print.... And the front of the manual does not make mention of it, but says you CAN use any L series Battery.

I tried it and it works, but "better safe than sorry" The f970 is the best damn battery I've ever seen - I'm new to the industry and the FX1 is like so pro to me.... If there are better batteries for the cameras avaliable below $20,000 AUD, then I've yet to see it.

Sony may be a lot of things, but when it comes to battery power for the consumer, prosumer and possibly the pro, I think the f970 cant be beat. Although, some of the things sony does irritate me.... (One of the reasons I stayed with Canon all through the DV season.... now in HDV, Sony seems to make the pushes.... Lets see what the future holds for HDV.... Maybe Canon might take the wind back again...)

Jack D. Hubbard
May 31st, 2006, 10:53 PM
The 970's are absolutely bulletproof. I have some generics, but for reliability and piece of mind, the 970 really has no equal. Best I have ever used, bar none.