View Full Version : Displaying Hist, Guides on External Monitor

Michael Wright
May 3rd, 2006, 05:39 AM

I've been lurking here a while trying to absorb what my new A1U can and can't do - so many, many thanks for all those who've had issues and all those who've answered!

One issue I have not discovered the setting for is how to output all the Marker elements (GuideMarker, Center, etc) and Histogram over to an external 4:3 monitor via the AV port. I have set Disp Output to V-Out / Panel, and that does output the menu displays as I select things; however none of the on-screen overlay information (like Hist, etc) is displayed while in Standby or Record.

Is there another setting I need to use? Is this even possible? The reason I would like to do this is I am an Amphibico setup with the external UW monitor...and while the pic is would be so much easier to adjust and frame the scenes if the Histogram and GuideMarkers were displayed.

Thanks for any pointers!


May 3rd, 2006, 06:27 AM
I tried the same thing on my HC1 and I also get the same result. I don't think you can get the histogram et c out. I guess that is features for bigger cameras...

Michael Wright
May 4th, 2006, 08:11 AM
I played around with the A1U last nite using both composite and AV out ports. It appears that when any Marker guide is enabled no overlay info at all (including tape time, battery, etc) displays on an external monitor - just the picture is displayed. But if one selects "menu" then you see the menu on the external monitor...and as soon as you exit the menu you are back to a display without any overlay info.

So far if none of the Marker guides are enabled everything else except outlines and Zebra seem to be displayed on an external monitor. I can live with out the marker guides...but I use Zebra a lot. :(

I put in an email to Sony Business yesterday to ask about this...but I'm guessing I'll not be hearing from them. :(

I'll let folks know if I do hear anything back from Sony.

Heath McKnight
May 31st, 2006, 12:52 PM

Try this.
