View Full Version : Phantom Powereding a mic (ME 66)

Esteban Sosa
February 5th, 2003, 04:10 PM
This question is specific to the Sennheiser ME 66 Shotgun Mic or any mic that sells along with a battery powered adapter:

I am trying to find out info on using a shotgun mic on the new DVX100 and have narrowed the choice down to the ME 66. I just have one question. Since the DVX100 has the ability to "Phantom Power" a microphone, can the ME 66 be used without having to buy the K6 Modular Condenser?

I've been reading that powering a mic by battery results in a weaker signal than if you power it by the camera and only having to buy the ME 66 without the K6 Module would save a few bucks.

Thank you for any responses~

Aric Spence
February 5th, 2003, 05:31 PM
The K6 or K6P must be used with the ME66. Keep in mind that after you purchase the module, you will have the ability to get other capsules for it.

Esteban Sosa
February 6th, 2003, 07:51 AM
Thank you Aric.

Just when your mind starts to think, you can save a few bucks here or there, there is always something else to buy.... :)

I love this business~


Jaime Valles
February 6th, 2003, 11:51 AM
So, which shotgun mics CAN the use phantom power from the DVX100? I am also doing research for shotgun mics for use in a boom, and the less equipment, the better...

Brian M. Dickman
February 6th, 2003, 01:25 PM
Many shotguns are like the K6/ME66, and can operate either way. However, it's often better to run phantom powered externally because it provides more power than the internal supply gives, and the increased power provides better performance. A few reviews have pointed to this specifically on the AudioTechnica AT835b, for instance.

In the case of the ME66, you have to realize that the capsule itself (the ME-66 proper) doesn't actually do anything unless it's attached to the power/connector module, either the K6 or K6P. Most of the prices you see will be for the complete kit though, capsule and module.

Scott Silverman
February 7th, 2003, 02:50 AM
Someone on this forum once said that they thought the ME66 with battery K6 powered by phantom actually sounded equal to, if not better than, the K6 Phantom only. I don't remember who it was, but the battery K6 is cheaper and if you ever wanted to use it with a wireless transmitter or a MD recorder, then you can! I would go with battery, but that's just me.

Robert Knecht Schmidt
February 7th, 2003, 03:09 AM
I've never understood why the phantom + battery unit is cheaper!

Brian M. Dickman
February 7th, 2003, 09:27 AM
Yeah Scott, I didn't mean to imply that phantom power sounded better for the ME-66 specifically, but I've definitely seen it said that the AT performs better with phantom power instead of internal. This will not be the case on all shotguns, just some, and it's worth looking into for the ones you are interested in.

As far as the K6/K6P price difference goes, all I can think of is supply and demand. Nobody wants the phantom only unit, so they have less volume and the price goes up?

Jacques Mersereau
February 7th, 2003, 02:26 PM
If you want a nice step up in audio quality and a much longer
"reach out and pull it in" ability, the Sennheiser 416 flat out beats
the K6/ME67 combo imo and is shorter too. I power it with the
phantom produced by a beachtek DXA-6 and its 9v.