View Full Version : Advice on Settings for Shooting Commercials

Lisa Bennett
May 2nd, 2006, 04:13 PM

Only had the HD100U a few weeks and still learning. I'm used to video and want to know every detail of this camera. The footage is so amazing.

I am currently producing a commercial and interested in shooting more commercials to make a few extra dollars so I can buy more equipment. So,
I'd like to hear from people that are using the HD100U to shoot commercial spots. I'm trying to find out what settings seem to work best and what format most are using. I am guessing that people are mainly taping in 24p.

Any input to help is appreciated. I'm experimenting now with the recipes posted in the forum. I'm hoping to learn more about this camera and how to get the footage edited. For now I am able to hookup to my Studio Editing program. Studio has been working great for the projects I have been using it for but not HD. Now that I have the HD100U, I need a more professional editing system which I plan to get a little further down the road.

Hope to hear from others and I really like the forums at dvinfo. It is full of information and people that have been willing to help. I have a true story that I have the rights too and looking forward to shooting a documentary and other projects I have on hold. as soon as I can learn more about how this camera operates.

If anyone has some info on the right format to shoot for commercials and any tips on getting more into commercial work, I hope to hear from you.

Best Regards,

Paolo Ciccone
May 2nd, 2006, 09:24 PM
Hi Lisa.

I can't give detailed information about the products but this summer we'll be able to see 3 commercials, on national TV, shot with the HD100. We are using V.3.0 of my "TrueColor" configuration. I'll post a standalone page for it soon, I'm working on the set of the commericials as we "speak" but we basically use V.2.0 with Master Black at "Normal" and Blue Gain at 1 instead of 3.
We are using the Mini35 with a Cooke lens and capturing the component out using a Wafian box and you're correct, we shoot at 24fps.

I asked for permission to post some stills in this forum and we should have something pretty soon. The results are amazing! With the right lens the HD100 delivers superb images.

Lisa Bennett
May 2nd, 2006, 10:44 PM

That is great news and looking forward to finding out about it when the cat can be let out of the bag.

I am very happy with the camera so far. I was working with one of your recipes today to test the settings. I'm used to video but this camera is not just a "camera" which is why I wanted it. Only thing is I want to know all I can about it and I feel like I have some major items that I need to learn. For example, getting from 24fps to the right workflow to get an end result of HD footage. I'm currently lacking in having a NLE that handles HD. For the work I have been doing, the NLE I was using worked perfectly (Pinnacle Version) but now for the move I want to make into commercials, docs and complete some projects I have been planning, I'll need more editing toys. I have a true story project that I was working on a few years ago as a movie. I have been out of the loop for a while but now getting back to work on projects. Considering it would be easier to make the true story into a doc and perhaps submit to festivals. This camera will make some awesome footage for the project and that is another reason for me to speed up the learning process.

The forum posts from you and others has been very helpful. I do feel like I am learning and have learned more than I knew before receiving the camera a matter of only weeks ago. Right now I am spending time trying to learn everything I can from the forums and wondering if there are books or dvd's that would help me to get further along on the learning curve and to have a better understanding of the pull downs and frame rates relating to 720 and the 1080i etc. For now I'll keep reading the posts and everything inbetween plus test the settings for the look I want.

The commercial I am working on right now does not have to be delivered in HD but having this special camera and not utilizing all of it's features is not good to say the least and frustrating. I may have to try and find an editor with the HD tools in my area that can help to get this spot to HD.

Looking forward to hearing more from you and about your work and these upcoming spots!

Best Regards,