View Full Version : Problem loading project
Roger Rosales May 2nd, 2006, 02:55 PM Hello all,
I just finished formating my C: and reinstalling a fresh windows install. ALL of my files were on separate hard drives. I kept NOTING on my C drive. My problem is when I want to load the premiere project. After it attempts to load I get this error message:
"The project could not be loade. It may be damaged or contain outdated elements."
Does anybody have an idea why this is happening? I'm in a VERY tight situation because this project is my WORK. I'm getting paid to do this and I can't afford to lose these files.
I didn't touch ANY of the project files when I reformated my C drive, nor did I move anything.
I'm using Premiere Pro 1.5.
Please, anyone with any info PLEASE help. This is very urgent! Thank you in advance.
Webb Pickersgill May 2nd, 2006, 03:19 PM Have you tried installing the 1.5.1 update? Perhaps that would help. I don't know, just throwing out ideas. Good luck.
Matt DeJonge May 2nd, 2006, 03:56 PM Does the "hold the Shift key down while loading the project" trick work in 1.5? I know it does in 2.0. Hold the Shift key down on your keyboard and run Premiere, then (while still holding the key down), load your project. Don't let up on the Shift key until your project finshes loading. I think that this clears up some issues with the cache.
Roger Rosales May 2nd, 2006, 06:51 PM Neither worked. I'm ditching premiere and going with Vegas...downloaded a trial version. I'm SICK f premiere's STUPID errors and STUPID mistakes. I'm DONE.
Thanks guys.
Ervin Farkas May 4th, 2006, 11:43 AM Sorry to hear about your problems Roger, but you must have done something wrong - I just did the same last weekend and my Premiere projects work fine. Perhaps your settings or preview files were kept on your C drive and went missing when you reformatted. This would have happened with any editing software.
Ash Greyson May 4th, 2006, 01:23 PM I had this happen in the past... usually a corrupt file... I have had SOME luck opening an auto-backup of the project...
ash =o)
Peter Ferling May 4th, 2006, 02:06 PM Did you have PPro set to create backups? Check you preferences, auto save.
If so, you should have them in your project folder under "Premiere Pro Auto-save" folder.
It's not any particular software. It your habits and making sure that you save incremental versions along the way that will save your butt. I usually save every few hours, or at milestones, it depents on how much work is risk. Incremental saving is also good when you get lost, or the edit is going wrong and you wish to back up a bit and change direction, (especially when clients are breathing down your neck).
Sorry you having trouble. I learn this the hard way like you did.
Roger Rosales May 4th, 2006, 05:02 PM Ervin is right. I did something wrong. I accidently installed Premiere Pro instead of PPro 1.5
I overlooked which version to install and caused me so much grief. It's all fixed now and the project files are not corrupted. They work just fine.
Thanks for the help though.
Peter, I always have Premiere create backups. I definately am going to make backup of my projects from now on though. this was just a too scary situation. Kinda like your girfriend being a 3 weeks late on her cycle and then having it....a close call.
I'm still switching to Vegas though. Premiere Pro 1.5 doesn't know how to intepret 24p footage, at all. Why in the world is it doing a 2:3:3:2 pulldown rather than a 2:3 pulldown? Too many workarounds!
Peter Ferling May 5th, 2006, 09:44 AM Peter, I always have Premiere create backups. I definately am going to make backup of my projects from now on though. this was just a too scary situation. Kinda like your girfriend being a 3 weeks late on her cycle and then having it....a close call.
My advice is for saving versions in every piece of software that you use. Automatic incremental saving is good, but I choose to be in the habit of saving at times that I feel it's needed. (The auto stuff can be annoying by interupting you as work).
My other advice is take a walk, get some air, clear your head. Usually we see the forest, but miss the trees, (most problems are too obvious).
I'm still switching to Vegas though. Premiere Pro 1.5 doesn't know how to intepret 24p footage, at all. Why in the world is it doing a 2:3:3:2 pulldown rather than a 2:3 pulldown? Too many workarounds!
Don't get Ash started, there's a thread on that already.
Marco Wagner May 10th, 2006, 04:54 PM Premiere does 24p fine.