View Full Version : H1 EVF aspect ratio not true?

Barry Gregg
May 2nd, 2006, 11:18 AM
I have been trying to sort out my Marshall 7 inch HDA monitor. It is displaying an image that isn't the correct aspect ratio. Shooting a CD as a round subject both the Marshall and the EVF are displaying the CD wider than high by a 94.5 percent ratio.

Is my H1 messed up or does anyone else see this problem on their EVF?

Thanks, Barry

Barry Gregg
May 6th, 2006, 04:15 PM
I just borrowed a demo camera from my dealer. This EVF also shows a distortion of the image. Round objects are wider than they are tall by 94.5%

My H1 is with Canon service. They have not yet responded after receiving it. I'll post what they have to say.

Thanks, Barry