View Full Version : Wedding Shoot with XL2

Mike Phan
May 1st, 2006, 09:10 AM
Hi everyone,

Anyone here use 24p for Weddings using the XL2? I usually use the 30p indoors and 60i outdoors. I usually set it up in the TV mode with about shutter speed at 100+. I wanted to know if anyone use 24p and how that is compared to the other settings i mentioned above.


Bruce S. Yarock
May 1st, 2006, 08:17 PM
I did my first weding last week with my XL2. The second cam was an XL1s, so I shot in 60i with regular 1/60 shutter. During some of the fast dancing, I shuttered down to 1/30 for that "strobey" look. I haven't tried 24p yet. How does it look? Also, why do you use such a high hutter?
Bruce Yarock

Mike Phan
May 2nd, 2006, 01:04 PM
Well Bruce I told not to use too fast of shutter speed because for some ECU shots that I may have I slow it down to about 25-35% and don't want the strobe-light effect, I want smooth seamless shot.