View Full Version : Poor sound using RCA

Michael Cassidy
May 1st, 2006, 01:20 AM
have searched, but can't find an answer to this problem. I'm using the RCA side plugs on the xl2, for use with my radio mic.
I've altered the "audio setup" as instructed to 12 bit ch.1/3/ 2/4/ . Got Audio 1 set to "front mic" Audio 2 set for the RCA.
I'm able to monitor the sound when I switch between tracks, but it's really very low, even when all the settings(as far as I know) are at their max.
When I swich the radio mic over to the little xm1, the sound comes through no problem. I seem to have tried switching everything I can think of, to get the sound at a decent level, but to no avail, both in the camera & vcr menu, as well as searching for a solution on here.
I know I'm missing the obvious, can someone help me, Please?

Tony Davies-Patrick
May 1st, 2006, 04:58 AM
I prefer to only use the XLR connections in conjunction with good quality XLR leads. The XL2 seems to provide better volume control on the headphones dial than the XL1s. The quality of sound tends to almost always relate to the quality of the radio mic systems used.

Michael Cassidy
May 1st, 2006, 05:33 AM
Thanks Tony, will have to try that then, I'm using the Sennheiser ew100 system, and thought I might get by as I did with the XL1S. Will get XLR adapter tomorrow.Thanks again.

Greg Boston
May 1st, 2006, 06:45 AM
The RCA plugs are line level inputs and the signal from your wireless mic is likely still at mic level. That's why you aren't hearing it very well. As was suggested, use the XLR inputs which are mic level inputs. There are cables that will convert the receiver output to XLR.
