View Full Version : New DV Rack 1.2 update coming hopefully this week.
Karl Soule April 30th, 2006, 11:11 PM The latest update for DV Rack 1.2 (due out this week) has a number of improvements and fixes, including:
· Timecode support for AVID Express DV, Final Cut Pro HD, Premiere Pro 1.5, and Vegas 6.0
· A 1:1 monitor zoom to quickly ensure your subject is in focus
· 180 degree horizontal AND vertical flip modes for users of lens adapters like the Redrock Micro M2 lens adapters.
Seth was asking in another thread about HDV Timecode. I'm waiting from word from the programmers for a definite answer. From what I know, the early JVC HDV cameras don't output timecode via the FireWire port live, so it may never be possible for DV Rack to record timecode from these cameras, since the HD-1 and HD-10 don't send it out live.
Sony addressed the HDV timecode problem by using a second timecode track, but according to a couple of industry experts, the timecode isn't always accurate, and can be off by as many frames as the GOP, if it can be read at all. JVC added a second track as well with the HD-100, so in theory, that camera should behave the same as the Sony FX1/Z1U.
Ian Stark May 1st, 2006, 03:51 AM Hope this doesn't sound TOO dumb, but what do you mean by 'timecode support'. What will this do to help me in Sony Vegas?
Thanks in advance for an answer that doesn't make me feel too much like an idiot!
Ian . . .
Ian Stark May 1st, 2006, 03:52 AM In fact, I guess I should also ask about the 1:1 monitor zoom as well!! What does THAT do?!
Karl Soule May 2nd, 2006, 10:49 AM Hi Ian,
Timecode support means that the live-record clips in DV Rack will have the same timecode as the tape in the camera. In the past, this only marginally worked, because different editing programs like to store the timecode data in different parts of the file. The new update makes sure that the timecode data can be read by the majority of editors, including Premiere, Premiere Pro, FCP, and Vegas.
The 1:1 monitor zoom is a keyboard shortcut for looking at the pixels in the image at 1:1 resolution. This is very useful for focus adjustments.
Mike Cavanaugh May 5th, 2006, 03:13 PM Will this upgrade be free (or cheap) to registered users of the current version?
Karl Soule May 5th, 2006, 04:19 PM 1.2 is a free update. The DVCProHD Support later this summer will have a charge associated with it.
Hugh DiMauro May 8th, 2006, 09:20 AM Karl:
Will you post a direct link to the update here and/or will it update automatically when I open the program and click "search for updates"?
Karl Soule May 9th, 2006, 10:41 AM It'll be part of the automatic update system in the program For people without internet access on their DV Rack system, we'll also post a standalone update file here:
Hugh DiMauro May 9th, 2006, 10:48 AM Thank you for taking the time, Karl.
Hugh DiMauro May 11th, 2006, 05:12 AM DELETED due to the extreme stupidity of the individual who had originally posted such nonsense. Sometimes, I amaze myself that I function at all!
Hart Boyd May 11th, 2006, 05:43 AM From what I can tell they have not release the update yet.
Karl Soule May 11th, 2006, 10:17 AM Hi Everyone,
The update is in the final stages of testing right now. It's taking a little longer than expected because we're testing a fix to a rare bug that only shows up when recording over an hour-long clip. There's no easy way to simulate this quickly - the only way to test is to record for an hour, stop, check the recording, record for another hour, stop, check, etc. Since the bug only manifests itself about every 18th record attempt, that's a minimum of 18 hours of recording, and we are doing a lot more than the minimum. It shouldn't be too much longer, though.
Hugh DiMauro May 12th, 2006, 08:07 AM Thanks for your hard work.
John McGinley May 23rd, 2006, 02:25 PM Any updated update on the update?
Karl Soule May 23rd, 2006, 03:53 PM Still in testing - hopefully very soon.
Peter Dolman May 25th, 2006, 01:27 PM Karl
I really need that 709 color space to correctly set up my JVC cameras
any idea how much longer?
Karl Soule May 26th, 2006, 02:09 PM Hi Pete,
Please send me your e-mail contact info, or e-mail We can probably provide a beta for you while we iron out this last issue. The known issue only affects continuous recording over an hour, so as long as that won't be a problem, the beta should work for you.
Dan Moran May 27th, 2006, 03:53 AM I've been fooling around with dvRack and I like the app quite a bit. I did just purchase the M2 adapter for a shoot this July -- any chance of the new version being available by then? If not, I'd volunteer to test the beta.....
John McGinley June 8th, 2006, 07:04 PM And a tumbleweed rolls by.........
Anything on this update?
What bugs me is the demo version I downloaded does more than the HDV pack I purchased! :-)
Luckily my M2 has yet to show up, so I don't NEED the flip yet........yet (he said ominously)
Karl Soule June 9th, 2006, 11:33 AM Hi John,
I understand your frustration. We are in a weird development state right now where the 1.2 demo version has cleared QA testing, but the full version has not. It's not something that you see that often, but it happens sometimes. Thanks for your patience - it shouldn't be much longer.
Marc Colemont June 17th, 2006, 09:53 AM Still in testing - hopefully very soon.
Hi Karl,
Is the requested feature to be able to import a video file also included in the upcoming update or beta? I'm willing to help beta testing.
I also have the 709 issue with my HD-100
Marc Colemont
Karl Soule June 29th, 2006, 03:58 PM Hi Everyone,
The DV Rack 1.2 update just posted today. This is a free incremental update for all DV Rack and HDV users.
Here's a listing of the new features and fixes:
• New Feature: 1:1 Zoom: A new shortcut, CTRL+Z, has been added to zoom in so that the Field Monitor is line-accurate. That is, each line in the Field Monitor corresponds to one line of video. This provides the ideal zoom for critical focus. [For the absolute best image for critical focus purposes, set Visible Lines to All and make sure the Monitor Aspect is correct (1.333 for 4:3, 1.778 for 16:9). With HDV, also set MPEG Resolution to Full.] Other new keyboard shortcuts related to zoom control:
o Zoom In: SHIFT+Z
o Zoom Out: CTRL+SHIFT+Z
• New Feature: Display All Lines: DV Rack originally displayed only one field of interlaced DV. This update adds the option of showing both fields. The “Visible Lines” setting in the Field Monitor Menu controls this option. (This feature is new only to DV Rack and was already included in the HDV PowerPak)
NOTE: While displaying both fields improves resolution of static shots, which can help when focusing, it produces interlacing artifacts when there’s motion because computer displays are progressive, not interlaced.
• New Feature: Flip Mode: Allows the image in the Field Monitor (and the signal in Waveform Monitor) to be flipped horizontally, vertically, or in both dimensions. The “Flip Mode” setting in the Field Monitor menu controls this option. This was added at the request of Red Rock Micro M2 users.
• Feature Enhancement: Timecode support has been extended to QuickTime and AVI Type 1 formats. Timecode for QuickTime clips is compatible with Final Cut Pro and Avid, but not all other NLEs properly read the timecode for QuickTime clips. Timecode is not supported for HDV clips because HDV cameras do not transmit timecode via FireWire, so DV Rack does not have access to that data.
• New Feature: Color Space setting: In HDV Rack, the Field Monitor Menu now has a Color Space setting for forcing the color space of the Vectorscope and Spectra 60 to 601 or 709. Note that you will need to set this manually only if auto-detection fails, which happens with some brands of cameras that do not properly report their color space.
• Fixed: Occasional crashes on stopping recording clips longer than 1 hour.
Jay Barnes June 29th, 2006, 06:47 PM Great news Karl. Thanks for the update.
Marc Colemont June 30th, 2006, 02:22 AM Great news Carl. I will use it right way today for a shoot.
Marc Colemont June 30th, 2006, 02:48 AM Hi Carl,
While working with the update I noticed that when the HDV rack is been preset into 709 color space, that the build-in color bar is still 601 colorspace. Is it possible to add a 709 color space colorbar in the next update?
It looks like the 'zoom' button on the HD field monitor doesn't do anything anymore. The Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Shft+Z works fine.
Cheers, Marc
Hugh DiMauro June 30th, 2006, 09:13 AM Thank you, Mr. Soule.
Karl Soule June 30th, 2006, 10:39 AM The zoom button should work normally. When the zoom button is on, hold down SHIFT and drag up/down on the field monitor to set the level of zoom. Then let go of SHIFT and drag around to pan around the zoomed image.
It's possible that the last time you used the zoom button, you used the SHIFT/drag to zoom back out to 1:1. Try turning on the zoom button, and Shift/drag up or down.
Marc Colemont June 30th, 2006, 12:58 PM Yep you're right as always :-)
The new zoom functionallity comes in handy. Saves a lot of full screen Alt+Enter handlings to check focus.
Jim Montgomery June 30th, 2006, 01:19 PM When camera is slaved to DVRack, DVR starts recording when record is pressed on the camera. However it does no seem to stop when record, on the camera is pressed again. I do have it set to precapture for 30 seconds if that has any bearing.
Karl Soule June 30th, 2006, 02:28 PM Hi Jim,
Is this new behavior after the update, or has it been doing this for a while?
The DVR Slave to Cam function is highly dependent on the camera attached. It relies on a set of start/stop commands being sent down the FireWire cable, and the timecode information provided by the camera. In some cases, especially on Sony cameras, the camera only sends those commands if there is a tape in the camera.
Jim Montgomery June 30th, 2006, 02:58 PM Karl It is before the update, in fact I have only Had DVRack for a little while. The camera(s) being used is Sony FX1 and Z1. I thought I had a tape in but you can never tell. I will try it again tonight.
With a tape in and the camera in standby mode is DVRack still able to input the 30 seconds into the buffer thus utilizing "Shot Saver"?
Thanks for the help