View Full Version : which fleet of cams to pick

Spike Spiegel
April 30th, 2006, 11:41 AM
We have an event coming up for filming a golfing championship that takes all over california. The event is to be broadcasted on Comcast Sportsnet (not live) and we are currently coming up with our budget. Not having talked with Comcast, we are unsure about what set of cameras to use. The client wants it in SD for sure, but I don't think they have a high enough budget for Beta SP/Digi Beta. Would miniDV be a viable option if we get a fleet of XL2's and simply dub it to the broadcaster's requirements? Thanks

Jerry Mohn
April 30th, 2006, 04:41 PM
your lens is more important in golf than the format. Good Luck on a budget

Spike Spiegel
April 30th, 2006, 05:47 PM
for zoom reasons? We are budgeting 5 cameras that will be on the field at all times.