Bradley D Barber
April 30th, 2006, 07:10 AM
Any person who has had there GL-2 just stopworking probably cant help me because they have had a stroke! If you are the friend or loved one a person this has happened to please help me.
We are shooting a festival and we are using our GL-2 for the footage. Last night during a concert the screen went blue, and sort of a cool purpleish color and that is it. I referenced the manal about losing teh image and condensation was mentioned...dry it out....bla bla blahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
It is now 7 hours later two more concerts to film and no camera! Has this scenario happened? What did you do? F!%@%#%#%$%#%!@%!&^&^ %$#$K.
Thanks for your honesty!
Oh PS it looks the same thru the viewfinder asthe LCD :{
Graham Bernard
April 30th, 2006, 07:27 AM
I would appear your equipment suffered a catastrophic breakdown.
I have never heard of the symptoms you say. Causes? Bit pointless really - you got a broke camera - nasty. However, have you outputted any of the tape material? Any clues there? Have you tried outputting to a TV screen - yes I know that your e/p and LCD are also appear to NOT get a stream, but the output cable might just point to something else.
Did this event coincide with plugging or unplugging devices to and from the camera? Are you aware of any liquid being drop/splashed onto the camera?
IF the situation doesn't naturally resolve itself, I can't see why it should, sounds far to crucial, then definitely a quote from Canon Garage is in order. In the meantime is hiring an option?
Sorry . . not good,
Bradley D Barber
May 1st, 2006, 05:52 AM
We were shooting in a club. Not Really smokey. Now liquid/ale/splash. Shot some B/W behind the artist onstage at the time. Locked the camera to save settings/power Went to the back to get a way from the noise briefly with camera inhand on a steady stick. The tripod mount on the camera felt loose. The three tiny screws that hold that in placeare gone and the mount was moving around in teh base of the camera.
Got the tripod quick connect mounted securley and turned the camera on the a blank screen followed by the blue purple etc..
WOW this sucks! I have really takenb exceptional care of the camera until this point it seems.
I gues I will have to move on!
Bradley D Barber
August 18th, 2006, 08:43 PM
The problem I referenced in my earlier post has been fixed. I am crying right now, so sorry if my post seems too mushy!
My friend opened the bottom of the camera, where the mounting hardware is located, and as we peered inside we discovered a ribbon connection floating around. After finding it's mate close by we plugged it in and, ACTION!!!!!!
The camera has been treated like a bomb on a timer since I bought it. I am sure I have never dropped or handled it harshly. It appears it was just loose!
I was considering selling it for 500.00 as a working deck for transfer. Glad I did not! If the problem I posted ever happens to you it could be simple! Who knew?
All my best,
Graham Bernard
August 18th, 2006, 11:28 PM
My friend opened the bottom of the camera, where the mounting hardware is located, and as we peered inside we discovered a ribbon connection floating around. After finding it's mate close by we plugged it in and, ACTION!!!!!!
Well, there you have it! What does occur to me is how on earth cold this ribbon come adrift, get separated? If it is anything like the ribbon connectors inside your average PC they consist of very positive "ON" males and females sockets. They have these "click-connect" type fixings. My point is this, if you didn't hear or feel this happen then maybe it could happen again? Yes?
But yes, I am very pleased for you - and thanks for reporting your success here. I'm sure if Cosmin is still XM2-enabled(!), he may have a view on this.
Bradley D Barber
August 21st, 2006, 10:47 AM
I would think so too. However the ribbon just recieves the male side. There was no audible click. It pretty small and light. I may of just never been seated properly and found it's way out over time.
Thanks for keeping up with me. THe best part is with the time off not shooting it has alowed me to think up better ways to kepp my equipment in better condition, (thinking that I wasn't) so that is good!
Have a great day.