View Full Version : AB Ultralight Question

Bryan Aycock
April 27th, 2006, 09:18 PM
I'll be shooting night time woods footage for a hunting show (following hunters after dark to retrieve their downed game). Is the ultralight-2 sufficient. I don't need photographic/perfect lighting for this, just enough to cast out decent light to 15 ft or so. I'm shooting on an XL2 with the Anton Bauer Hydron 50 battery. Will the Ultralight cut it. If not, what light do you recommend. I need just enough light to show what's happening but not so much that it will drain my Hydron 50. Help!!

Don Bloom
April 27th, 2006, 09:26 PM
The ultralite should be fine BUT you might want to consider a more powerful bulb than a 20 or 25W. I shoot some news and at night I throw a head with an EXZ 60W bulb for a little more ompf-not worried about harsh shadows or anything and it works out just fine at 15 -20 feet. Past that and you'll need something with more guts than a 60W.
