View Full Version : Integrating Jvc Gy Hd100 & Sony Hvrz1p Footage.

Bob Hart
April 26th, 2006, 02:38 AM
Does anyone have any suggestions regarding a best method for using JVC GY HD100 and Sony HVR Z1P footage in the same project, a small independent martial arts based action drama.

The JVC origination is 25P with the JVC flavours of cinelook selected.

The Sony origination is in two forms.

Some is via an AGUS35 relay device of which little if any will be used.

This cam however was also used as a backup second camera without the AGUS35 attached for a complicated action scene. The camera settings were set as close to the JVC settings as could be achieved and the Sony ersatz flavour of 25P was also selected.

Again it is not likely much if any footage will be used if all the JVC footage is usable but it is insurance as extreme time constraints on availabilty of the location forced the director into a very urgent shooting of this scene and some things may have got by.

Any advice as to manipulating the Sony interlaced footage with the JVC 25P footage would be appreciated.

I am assuming that simulating motion picture clarity described at this site by importing the clip into After-Effects, interpreting the image, selecting upper field first for one clip then lower field first for the second copy of the same clip and overlaying both, then rendering would be valid.

However this published method as far as I can determine was for SD origination, not the more highly compressed HDV.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. The available editing softwares as far as I know will be Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro.

Dylan Pank
April 26th, 2006, 03:25 AM
The After Effects technique you describe will create whats called "field blending" which will add extra blur to the image if there's movement and generally lower the resolution. You might want to look at a piece of software like Virtualdub Mpeg (not the original virtualDub) and one of the smart de-interlacer plugins that you can get for it. For the Mac try JESdeinterlacer 2.7.1 Both will work with HDV but you might neet to convert the HDV .m2t clips to .mpg (use MPEG streamclip, for mac or windows, this process will not affect pricture quality)

However you will need to output to an intermediate codec.

If you are editing in FCP, then there are various plug ins you can get, such as nattress film effects or Magic Bullet plugs ins that will de-interlace right on the FCP timeline (though NOT in reatime). Same is surely true of PPro, but I'm not as familiar with it.

Bob Hart
April 27th, 2006, 01:59 AM

Thank you for your response. I'll pass this info on.

It is likely that none of the Sony footages will be needed and I can simply draw from it for my Agus35 demonstrations. It was the action sequence which was shot under extreme time pressures which might need some Sony footage. Hopefully it won't but am exploring the options now, so that furthur down the track, things can be done in a measured manner.