View Full Version : Know Anything about Open Reel Video?

Glenn Davidson
April 25th, 2006, 11:04 PM
Hi fellow DVi Users...

I have a project that needs a transfer from a Sony 1/2" open reel video tape. I think it is from the 70's. I want to get it to DVD or Mini-DV. Any thoughts on who might do this. Or any other ideas? I am in Northern California.

Doug Boze
April 26th, 2006, 01:35 AM
Oh, drat!

I can't help you on this, but when I was in junior high, we had a Sony 1/2" open-reel VTR and a Panasonic camera and monitor. Usually we recorded the practice of our basketball team. Why, I'll never know, since our drunken U.S. history teacher cum coach would only glance at the playback and declare the deficiencies lay with the players.

This would have been circa 1980. My buddy and I once recorded the debate between President Carter and Reagan with dubious voice-overs. As is the style of teenagers of the time, we took the sides ours fathers did, with or without concious thought. He supported Carter, I, Reagan. Later, he went into the Marines to become a man and died in a Jeep accident in Guam. I did nothing of the sort...

Boy, was I on the wrong side. Sorry, Charlie, see you someday...