View Full Version : CinemantiQ and the new 60i to 24p conversion

Alain Bellon
April 25th, 2006, 02:08 PM

We are almost done with the 60i -> 24p conversion that is integrated into CinemantiQ. This upgrade will be offered free of charge to existing users, and included with the new CinemantiQ release.

We would like to know if anyone here has some specific requests regarding 24p conversion. Also, we want to gauge the interest in this conversion before we make the new release.

Please voice in with your comments, both users and non-users.

PS. A demo is comming next.

Chris Barcellos
April 25th, 2006, 02:28 PM

I am looking forward to 24p upgrade.

Alex Thames
April 28th, 2006, 03:03 PM
I am looking forward to 24p as well, but I'm interested in how it converts and deinterlaces the 60i footage?

Alain Bellon
April 28th, 2006, 03:16 PM
I am looking forward to 24p as well, but I'm interested in how it converts and deinterlaces the 60i footage?

CinemantiQ uses an adaptive deinterlacer. It detects motion areas and only deinterlaces those areas. The rest of the image retains full resolution. The way the deinterlacing happens can be selected to give more or less motion blur, and the motion detection parameters can be adjusted as well.

There was a post in this forum pointing to a series of tests done by a DVX user with 3 popular deinterlacing options. I will talk to the author to see if he would allow me to use his test footage for comparison.

Chris Owen
June 7th, 2006, 02:48 PM
I am VERY intersted in seeing the results. I still have not bought a new camera. I have been really leaning toward the XL2 for 24pA and 16:9. I would love to safeguard for HD in the future, but the price of the new HD cams is a bit beyond my reach.

I am really curious to see how CinemantiQ handles 60i to 24p from either the FX1 or Z1U.

David Fletcher
July 4th, 2006, 11:26 PM
HI Alain,

Can you give us any idea when you be releasing your news version of CinemantiQ ? I'm eagerly awaiting the update


David Fletcher

Alain Bellon
August 18th, 2006, 11:17 AM
I did some tests of the CinemantiQ deinterlacing (from the new 24p conversion engine which is about to be released).

The following samples, for comparative measures, were done using the test video from:

(BTW if anyone knows how to contact the authors of the review, please let me know. I have been trying to contact them without success. For that reason, the following tests will just be used for illustration purposes, but will not be shown in our commercial site unless permission is granted.)

You can compare these images from the ones obtained using MagicBullet, DVFilm Maker and Vegas in the original article (see URL above).

These were rendered using the default settings in CinemantiQ, without any tweaking.
CinemantiQ took 27 seconds to process the whole clip.
(Intel P4, 2.6Ghz)

Note: I think there is a bit of an advantage given to MagicBullet for a couple of reasons: 1:The MB shots are not from the same frames as the rest, which dramatically alters the quality, especially for jagged lines. 2:MB alters the image's histogram and contrasts the brightness a bit, which makes it look sharper. Still CinemantiQ gives MB a challenge in terms of quality, and beats it hands down in speed (50-60 times faster perhaps?).

I think I am very pleased with the results. You may be surprised ;)

Let us know what you think.

Chris Barcellos
August 18th, 2006, 11:22 AM
So Alain, how much longer for the version, and how will we initial buyers be able to get it ?

Alain Bellon
August 18th, 2006, 11:28 AM
Hello Chris,

We are finalizing details (User Manual, final testing, etc.)

I hate to give a date now since we have run into so many issues last time I did :) (Network server failure, integration issues with the new engine, etc.)

Current users will be informed of the new version as soon as it becomes avalialbe and will be given a download link for free.

Chris Barcellos
August 18th, 2006, 11:34 AM
Thanks. I figured you guys were trying to resolve some issues. Seems like codecs, players, and basic techniques are changing so fast, its like trying to hit a moving target....

Alain Bellon
August 18th, 2006, 11:40 AM
Thanks. I figured you guys were trying to resolve some issues. Seems like codecs, players, and basic techniques are changing so fast, its like trying to hit a moving target....

It's crazy I tell you!

Since our applications are stand alone, we don't have the benefit of leaving all those issues to the host application. We have to solve them all. But in the end our product will always be more optimized in terms of speed and in terms of user interface. And we try hard! :)

Armin DeFiesta
August 19th, 2006, 06:33 AM
Awesome, I'm looking forward to the upgrade!

Paul Kepen
August 19th, 2006, 12:32 PM
Does this work with CineForm HDV? or Native HDV?

What NLE's does it work with, it is a plug in, stand-alone, etc.?

The Web site shows its available now, but discussion here indicates its not quite ready yet, which is it?

Thanks - PK

Alain Bellon
August 19th, 2006, 01:00 PM
Does this work with CineForm HDV? or Native HDV?

What NLE's does it work with, it is a plug in, stand-alone, etc.?

The Web site shows its available now, but discussion here indicates its not quite ready yet, which is it?

Thanks - PK

CinemantiQ is a stand alone application. You do not need another application to run it.

For output it will work with all VfW codecs (that will change when the update comes along, which will support all codecs). It does not support native HDV at the moment.

CinemantiQ is available now, but the 24p conversion system along with the new rendering engine is not yet released. This will be a free update for exisiting users.

Paul Kepen
August 19th, 2006, 01:58 PM
Thanks Alain for the response. I assume VFW codec is Video for Windows. I use Cineform with my HDV shots. So would CinematiQ work with the Cineform HDV files - they are AVI's ? What output are the CinematiQ/ will the 24p files be - AVI?

Ben Winter
October 9th, 2006, 12:56 AM
To answer your message, no. If you know of an easier way, message me, but right now CinematiQ is crashing when I try to inport/export Cineform so I have to feed my video through uncompressed *yuck!*. I'm assuming because CinematiQ supports VfW codecs and not Cineform's newer DirectShow codec format which it outputs to most of the time.

Paul Kepen
October 25th, 2006, 07:25 PM
To answer your message, no. If you know of an easier way, message me, but right now CinematiQ is crashing when I try to inport/export Cineform so I have to feed my video through uncompressed *yuck!*. I'm assuming because CinematiQ supports VfW codecs and not Cineform's newer DirectShow codec format which it outputs to most of the time.

Thanks Ben. That's a bummer cause I use CineForm. Also no native HDV support. Uncompressed? How do you get HDV to that?. Must take up an incredible amount of space.

Overall, how good would you say it is at 60i to 24p? It would be interesting to hear an independant persons view point.