View Full Version : Carrying the wide angle lens on my belt?

Bruce S. Yarock
April 25th, 2006, 07:36 AM
I did a wedding last saturday, and I really needed to switch lenses a couple of times. I had stowed my gear on my cart, and had to move around quite a bit with just the camera.
I need to find a way to have my wa lens easily accessable so I can stop for a few minutes and switch back and forth.
I was thinking that some kind of holster attached to my belt might work. I'd like to stay away from slinging anything on my shoulder.
Anyone using anything like this or have any ideas?
Bruce Yarock

Dale Guthormsen
April 25th, 2006, 10:38 PM
A friend of mine took a can with a plastic lid that was just bigger than his device. He made a leather wrap around for it and a leather loop for a belt. He later chucked the plastic lid and made a leather lid for it too. it was very handy. I used one for awhile but I lost it (took it off and set it down, ug.) It was a rather ingenious idea and it looked nice wrapped in leather.

Gregory S. Ouellette
April 25th, 2006, 11:10 PM
i bought a waist belt hiking pouch that has a main compartment that a 20x xl2 lens can fit in and two smaller ones next to it. i just put it on, buckle it, then rotate it so that the pouch that would be below your back is now in front of your waist. it zippers, but since the zipper is at the top and middle, the lens will not fall out unless you were doing some major moving and shaking, although i always zip up, so to speak.
it is single wall nylon and i got it used at 'play it again sports' for $10.

the extra pouches are great too. i wear it all the time, it is dark green although most are likely black.

Gregory S. Ouellette
April 25th, 2006, 11:12 PM
the pouch size you are looking for in the front will just hold the large 20x lens. the '2 others' i mention are two smaller pouches on the belt on either side, not room for 2 other lenses in the main compartment. this way there is no scraping/dropping of anything.

Bruce S. Yarock
April 26th, 2006, 02:08 AM
Do you know where I can get one of these? Got a pic?
Bruce Yarock

Tony Davies-Patrick
April 26th, 2006, 02:25 AM
LowePro make superb lens pouches in different sizes that fit both a backpack or belt. Galen Rowell's waist belt system pouches are also good, although the colours are a bit bright for my taste and I prefer the plain black LowePro versions.

Bruce S. Yarock
April 26th, 2006, 02:27 AM
Thanks , Tony. Do you have a link for one that would fit either of the lenses? I calle dbh, and couldn't really get any help as to which specific pouch would be the best.
Bruce Yarock

Tony Davies-Patrick
April 26th, 2006, 02:40 AM

Tony Davies-Patrick
April 26th, 2006, 03:08 AM
Any of the smaller lens cases between 1 and 4s should fit the 3X lens and the 4 or 5 for the 16X or 20X lenses:

The belt or belt+harness sytems are good for attaching various pouches:

The modular belt packs are also good for carrying more than just the lens:

Bruce S. Yarock
April 26th, 2006, 03:09 AM
After I read your first post, I went back and found it on BH. I think this is the only one that will fit either xl2 lenses.

Bruce yarock

Tony Davies-Patrick
April 26th, 2006, 03:15 AM
That photo is of the medium size 4 lens case. I have this one attached to my main LowePro Trekker bag. Large lenses like the 16X or 20X fit inside it with ease with room to spare, but it is too big for a waist belt. You'll need the smaller sizes if you want it just for a waist belt and smaller 3X lens.

Ooops! I'm not'll need somewhere to place the 20X lens when the 3X lens is in use...

The size 4 is about right for the 20X lens...but I'd advise you to only use it attached to a backpack. A better idea would be to carry a backpack with your main gear + 20X lens pouch, and a separate smaller waist belt with small lens pouch with 3 X lens inside.

Bruce S. Yarock
April 26th, 2006, 03:17 AM
Looks like the lens case 5 will fit either the 20x or the wa.
Thanks again

Btw...Those are some BIG fish.Were any of the ones you were holding up still alive?
Bruce yarock

Bruce S. Yarock
April 26th, 2006, 03:21 AM
The 5 says it can be used with a waist belt. Is it really too big? I need one that I can fit either lens in. For example, If I need to switch over to my wa, I need a place to store the 20x while I'm using the wa, and vice versa.
Bruce Yarock

Tony Davies-Patrick
April 26th, 2006, 03:25 AM
The size 5 is way too big. The 4 will fit both, but still a bit big for the waist.

Regarding the fish...ALL fish were treated like babies, and all were returned to the water. The 700lb sturgeon is a protected species and would die if its weight were not supported by the water. I do not believe in killing just for the sake of taking a photo.

Michael Salzlechner
April 26th, 2006, 05:19 AM
You may want to check out the kinesis belt system as well. It is for photography but of course most of it can be used for video stuff as well

Bruce S. Yarock
April 26th, 2006, 06:28 AM
Beautifull fish, beautifull pictures.

Bruce S. Yarock
April 26th, 2006, 06:35 AM
The reason I thought that the 5 would be the one is that I leave the lens hoods on both lenses. The lens hood is about 5 inches wide, and the lowepro 4 is only 4/12.
Bruce yarock

Tony Davies-Patrick
April 26th, 2006, 10:25 AM
Bruce, thank you very much for the compliments.

I've just tested the size 4 lens case - Without the lens hood, it swallows the 20X lens easily with a nice semi-tight fit, but still has lot of room left over as it is very deep (The size 5 is way over the top for your needs, I think). It is true that the 20X hood is too wide to fit in the size 4 case.

It might be worthwile looking at the shorter and wider lens cases, as both the 20X and 3X lenses are very short, but the hoods are quite wide.

Bruce S. Yarock
April 27th, 2006, 12:15 AM
I need to leave the len hoods on each lens. So I guess I'll eaither have to go with the #5, or try another comapny. "Kinesis" was reccomended, and I'll give them a call.
Thanks again
Bruce Yarock