View Full Version : Handheld or Tripod?

Aviv Hallale
April 21st, 2006, 04:55 PM
When you do a one camera shoot of a small-scale event, do you work handheld or with a tripod, moving it to different posititions for different shots?

Don Bloom
April 21st, 2006, 05:14 PM
It all depends - mostly a combination. There is nothing better than rock solid steady footage which only comes when on a solid support-small camera big camera it doesn't matter-I shoot both and for anything over a couple of minutes you can't hold it still enough. (most people-I'm sure there are some "hulks" out there that can but for me nope!) Depends on the shot I need, the placement of the camera where I'm shooting etc but I really try to get as much as possible on some sort of solid support-either a tripod or monopod.


Waldemar Winkler
April 23rd, 2006, 04:50 PM
Like Don says, it depends. My preference is to shoot from a tripod, but it isn't always possible. I always take a monopod along to steady my shots.