View Full Version : opening logo/footage in slideshow...

Vincent Croce
April 19th, 2006, 05:57 AM
Putting together a baby/childhood/dating stills montage that will be looping at the reception, displayed on or near the placecard table as people are coming in. Is it proper to put my opening logo footage (not sure of the proper term) at the beginning of the montage? It's a quick 6 second thing, and I'll have it on the finished dvds, for sure, but I wasn't sure of the appropriateness at the reception itself. Any comments are appreciated.

Dan Minor
April 19th, 2006, 09:07 AM
I think it is your duty to put your logo and info on the opening. Everyone who see's it is going to ask who did it. Make sure you take that opportunity.

Vincent Croce
April 19th, 2006, 03:17 PM
Thanks, Dan. I guess it was a no brainer, but I just didn't want to come across as classless, since it is the B&G's day...

Yoochul Chong
April 19th, 2006, 05:27 PM
i find that if I was a customer, I wouldn't want any advertising on my dvd. thats why I don't put any advertising on my dvd's. I usually just put a website on the packaging in a discrete area thats not too distracting from the images on the dvd covers.

Adam Grunseth
April 19th, 2006, 06:18 PM
I disagree, I would never include my logo or any sort of add for myself in a client's video. It is their video, they are simply paying me to put it together for them.

There is a time and a place for advertising and promoting your business, but I strongly feel that the time is not at the wedding and the place should not be in their video.

I do however, upon final delivery of the video, provide the clients with several of my business cards. That way if their friends and family ask about their video, they may, at their discression, hand out one of my cards, but they are not forced to promote me every time they show my video.

Joe Allen Rosenberger
April 19th, 2006, 06:44 PM
There's a way to handle this discreetly and professionally without the logo thing looking cheese ball-ish. You need to be creative with doing so and it would be a good idea to not have some "flashy" logo appear.....
If a "piece" is being aired at the reception, then be very discreet if you even choose to place a logo somewhere. For the final DVD though....there is nothing wrong with your logo at the end...or maybe during credits. Logo's are everywhere and on almost everything, they are well accepted in our day to day stuff.....

I disagree, I would never include my logo or any sort of add for myself in a client's video. It is their video, they are simply paying me to put it together for them.

There is a time and a place for advertising and promoting your business, but I strongly feel that the time is not at the wedding and the place should not be in their video.

I do however, upon final delivery of the video, provide the clients with several of my business cards. That way if their friends and family ask about their video, they may, at their discression, hand out one of my cards, but they are not forced to promote me every time they show my video.

Brandon Wood
April 19th, 2006, 10:43 PM
I would not put my logo on a looped video that a bride (or whoever) paid you to show at her reception. Since the highlight reel is (I'm assuming) only a few minutes long, and because your logo will be seen over and over, the family may feel you are trying to promote your business and logo more than doing what you were paid to do.

Then again, maybe not. But you certainly risk a negative reaction from others (and not just the family).

I would certainly however put your professionally produced logo at the end of a wedding video. As Joe said, that is a very accepted practice, and I think generally expected from a professional videographer or media production company. I know I do!

Joe Allen Rosenberger
April 19th, 2006, 11:57 PM
Well said.....I have a funny story:

I was recently shooting a wedding reception and the LINEN Co.(the one's who put the seat covers and table cloths on)....well they had business cards placed at every dish/silverware on every table, and there were 200 + guest....unbelieveable, needless to say...a lot of cards ended up in the trash.

I would not put my logo on a looped video that a bride (or whoever) paid you to show at her reception. Since the highlight reel is (I'm assuming) only a few minutes long, and because your logo will be seen over and over, the family may feel you are trying to promote your business and logo more than doing what you were paid to do.

Then again, maybe not. But you certainly risk a negative reaction from others (and not just the family).

I would certainly however put your professionally produced logo at the end of a wedding video. As Joe said, that is a very accepted practice, and I think generally expected from a professional videographer or media production company. I know I do!

Bill Mecca
April 20th, 2006, 08:31 AM
my first reaction is no on a piece that will loop. but then I remembered I recently attended a funeral where the funeral home had put together a montage of photographs of the deceased and his family. (one of those packages sold to the industry where use a template) and there was an opening graphic that had the funeral home's name, and some text. something along the lines of "this Memorial provided by...Funeral Home."

I didn't see any adverse reaction at that time.

Peter Jefferson
April 20th, 2006, 08:40 PM
logos.. iffy.. but as i do stuff more of a cinematic flavour, i use the "formulas' which people are accustomed to when watching a movie.

For SDE's and Delivered products, i use

"Insert company Logo here.. " presents.. then the movie rolls.. .

For slideshows I may start the show, then put in a "presented by" where the business name is using a larger typefont..
its descrete and is only seen for 5 seconds between replaysI wouldnt watermark anything whch im broadcasting though.. thats just being pretentious..

And Joe, ive seen quite afew of those casrd stories mate.. one Photog was walking around to the tabels and putting 3 to 5 cards on each table.. to me, that is just a bad way to drum up business. its cheap and nasty IMO..
If someone like the way u work, theyll ask u for a card.