View Full Version : 20 fps ?

Anna Stapleton
April 19th, 2006, 05:00 AM
Hi I'm editing a project where the footage was giving to me in 20 fps, when I import it into the editing software I have extreme loss of quality do you have any ideas as to how I can fix this or at least get the best quality possible.

Shane Ross
April 19th, 2006, 08:18 AM
What codec is it? Is it a web codec like Sorenson 3?

20fps is a very off-rate frame rate (not any of the broadcast or tape formats) so I suspect it is a web video. If it is, then the quality will be very low. There is nothing you can do to improve the quality other than getting the original source tapes and recapturing. And I don't know what you will do about the odd frame rate.

Shane Ross
April 19th, 2006, 08:18 AM
And how did you receive this file.

Anna Stapleton
April 20th, 2006, 02:40 AM
They gave it to me as avi.'s, they captured the footage at 20 fps via a programme called screencorder so I have no orginal footage and no opportunity to reshoot.

I guess I'll just have to work through it but thanks for your help.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
April 20th, 2006, 02:51 AM
Hi Anna,

I've been looking at the Screencorder website - so, it allows you to capture what's happening onscreen on a PC - right?
It also gives a choice of output formats and frame rates.
I see that they have a trial download. Would it be worth downloading that and seeing if you can load the original material into it and then re-export at 25fps?
Either that, or ask the suppliers of your material to re-export at 25fps...
