View Full Version : DVC'ers at NAB

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Dylan Couper
April 18th, 2006, 10:14 AM
Just curious to see who here will be at NAB next week?

William Gardner
April 18th, 2006, 10:21 AM
I'll be there Tuesday. Would love to get together with other DVCers for lunch Tuesday!


Kris Holodak
April 18th, 2006, 10:24 AM
So far I haven't been allowed to attend anything outside the beltway. But have a shot of triple sec on Blue.

Rob Lohman
April 18th, 2006, 11:57 AM
I'll be there as well. Lunch on tuesday sounds like a good plan. Would you mind
coordinating that William?

Edward Slonaker
April 18th, 2006, 12:02 PM
I wanna go!! I was there a couple years ago. Walked my @$$ off! What a cool show, though. Got to meet Jackie Mason, too. Woohoo!

Y'all have fun!

Pete Bauer
April 18th, 2006, 12:03 PM
I'll be there Monday to Thursday.

Robert Kirkpatrick
April 18th, 2006, 12:15 PM
I'll be there Friday through Thursday. Do you hear that whoosh sound? That's money being sucked out of my wallet.

Lorinda Norton
April 18th, 2006, 07:27 PM
Monday through Friday for me. Will any of us get to see you there, Dylan??? :)

Mike Teutsch
April 18th, 2006, 08:53 PM
Tuesday through Friday! You are going to be there right Dylan?


Dylan Couper
April 19th, 2006, 12:04 AM
My NAB status is dependant on me getting a last minute flight to Vegas after wrapping a shoot Monday night/Tuesday morning, and also bumming couch space in someone's hotel room.
So who here has a suite at Bellagio? :)

Lorinda Norton
April 19th, 2006, 12:10 AM
So who here has a suite at Bellagio? :)
Don't I wish...

Sorry I can't help you out there, Dylan. (lol) But surely someone can. It won't be right if you're not there.

Hey, I missed Bill's and Rob's comments about lunch on Tuesday. Sounds great! As long as "lunch" means sometime after 1pm. :) I plan to sleep in for a change while in Vegas, believe it or not. Where's a good place to meet?

William Gardner
April 19th, 2006, 04:38 AM
Don't I wish...
As long as "lunch" means sometime after 1pm. :) I plan to sleep in for a change while in Vegas, believe it or not. Where's a good place to meet?

After 1 is a tad late for me for lunch. Maybe we can all meet around 3:00 for a break at some spot in the convention center, grab a snack, and sit and chat? This might be easier than trying to go out and find a restaurant at lunchtime.

Thoughts? Does anybody know the convention center well enough to propose an unambiguous spot for us to meet at?


Hugh DiMauro
April 19th, 2006, 06:16 AM
Last night my aunt casually mentioned to me that she has a close friend who works out there, somehow connected to convention services as an outside vendor. I will call her today and find out how and in what capacity her friend can assist us with this little get together. Sound good? Also, I may have another contact through Foxwoods Casino, Connecticut, who may have some contacts in Sin City to assist. I haven't spoken to Tom in awhile but let's see if he'll take my call. After all, he's a big shot and I am a lowly civil servant.


I will get back to you folks as soon as I hear something.


Greg Boston
April 19th, 2006, 06:34 AM
After 1 is a tad late for me for lunch. Maybe we can all meet around 3:00 for a break at some spot in the convention center, grab a snack, and sit and chat? This might be easier than trying to go out and find a restaurant at lunchtime.

Thoughts? Does anybody know the convention center well enough to propose an unambiguous spot for us to meet at?


If the layout is similar to last year, there is a nice little cafe/free wi-fi at the rear of south hall upper floor. Along with tables for eating, there was an additional 'lounging area' replete with chairs and couches. That might work nicely for a small get together on site at the show.


Lorinda Norton
April 19th, 2006, 07:07 AM
Good Morning! :) I'm sorry--I was half kidding with that remark about sleeping in! I can get myself out of bed and be there for a normal lunch if that's what works! You guys make the call....I'll be there.

Mike Teutsch
April 19th, 2006, 07:52 AM
My NAB status is dependant on me getting a last minute flight to Vegas after wrapping a shoot Monday night/Tuesday morning, and also bumming couch space in someone's hotel room.
So who here has a suite at Bellagio? :)


I'm at Circus Circus and I'm by myself, well most of the time! Your welcome to crash there. I hope you make the flight.


William Gardner
April 19th, 2006, 08:12 AM
If the layout is similar to last year, there is a nice little cafe/free wi-fi at the rear of south hall upper floor. Along with tables for eating, there was an additional 'lounging area' replete with chairs and couches. That might work nicely for a small get together on site at the show.

This sounds good to me. Do people want to try to meet there Tuesday at 3:00 for snacks and socializing?


Hugh DiMauro
April 20th, 2006, 09:00 AM
My guy from Foxwoods never called back. I kinda figured he wouldn't. Oh well, I guess Bill's got the right idea. Thanks for caring enough to get all of us movie makers together in one room. I am humbled at the talent on this board. Talk about raising the bar? This is an exciting time to be creative with a video camera.

Sean McHenry
April 20th, 2006, 09:32 AM
OK, since I never, after 27 years now in broadcasting, have been to Vegas for any reason let alone NAB, I request you guys tape the lunch meeting. I think it would be great to see some footage of all you guys sitting there hammering brews while the rest of us hold the fort in your absence. Someone take along a small video camera. You guys can make up whatever you want when you get back but I want to see all you guys having the fun I so far have not been able to talk the bosses into letting me have.

Use a cell phone if you have to but I want to see you guys having fun.

If you have Wi-Fi available, take a small web camera and laptop and let us know when you will do a webcast. You can download Windows Media Encoder and it will allow you to stream from the camera/mic. You may have issues with blocked ports and all so that might not work. But if you try that route, you can use the web camera to record directly to Windows Media Files and just post the resulting file.

Just ideas.

Have fun. Make sure you all come back.

Sean McHenry

Dylan Couper
April 21st, 2006, 04:03 PM
It is done, I will be at NAB from Monday night to Thursday afternoon!

Anyone who wants to get together for a drink please email me for my cell number.

Anyone with an extra ticket to Celine D... I mean Folies Bergere, give me a shout!

William Gardner
April 21st, 2006, 05:22 PM
Greg Boston wrote: If the layout is similar to last year, there is a nice little cafe/free wi-fi at the rear of south hall upper floor. Along with tables for eating, there was an additional 'lounging area' replete with chairs and couches. That might work nicely for a small get together on site at the show.

Bill wrote: This sounds good to me. Do people want to try to meet there Tuesday at 3:00 for snacks and socializing?

Didn't get any replies to this. Do folks want to do this or no?

PS: Dylan, will we have the DVC5 results before or after NAB?

Dylan Couper
April 21st, 2006, 06:43 PM
Tuesday at 3pm works for me. I'll just be getting over my hangover from night #1.

Lorinda Norton
April 21st, 2006, 06:50 PM
It is done, I will be at NAB from Monday night to Thursday afternoon!
Hey!!! That's what I wanted to hear... :)

Bill, I'm planning to be there at 3:00. But what if (using Greg's words) the layout isn't similar to last year? Cell phone numbers all around?

William Gardner
April 21st, 2006, 06:55 PM
If folks want to email cell phone numbers to me, I'll email out a list of numbers Sunday night.


Mike Teutsch
April 21st, 2006, 10:05 PM
Tuesday at 3pm works for me. I'll just be getting over my hangover from night #1.

Damn, I'm on the late flight on Tuesday and will not be able to get with anyone until Wednesday! Let's figure a place to meet!

Lorinda and Dylan have my cell, so we should be set!


Bradley L Marlow
April 25th, 2006, 06:59 PM
Thought I would see if we have any live updates from those of you attending NAB.

Having fun? William? Mike? Dylan? Lorinda? Hugh? Let us poor saps that couldn't show up live vicariously through you.

Best Wishes~

William Gardner
April 26th, 2006, 01:00 PM
I just got back into San Diego this morning. We (me, Dylan, Pete, Lorinda, Hugh, Rob, Greg, and Chris: did I forget anybody?) had a fun get-together yesterday. It was great to meet everybody and put a face on the names behind all of the posts and DVC entries.

Unfortunately, I came in too late for Monday night's party and I had dinner plans which got in the way of Tuesday night's party, so I missed out on REALLY getting to know everybody. :) I'd love to read some posts on these parties, but I suspect that the party attendees may have difficulty remembering enough the next morning to describe what happened. Or perhaps it's better if, as they say, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"... :)


Bradley L Marlow
April 26th, 2006, 01:54 PM
lol Bill. Sounds like it was a great time. Glad you got to meet some DVC peeps and thanks for the update.

Best Wishes~

Rob Lohman
April 26th, 2006, 03:41 PM
It was great meeting everyone. And yeah, the party's were.... what's the right word... interesting :) One party left for tonight and then it's back to everyday life tomorrow.

Dylan Couper
April 28th, 2006, 12:43 AM
Having fun? William? Mike? Dylan? Lorinda? Hugh? Let us poor saps that couldn't show up live vicariously through you.

It's hard to type when you can't focus on the keys, much less feel your fingers. :)

Bradley L Marlow
April 28th, 2006, 01:39 AM
Sounds like you and perhaps a few other DVC's had a great time!

When focus returns, let me know what you thought was the most exciting announcement/product revealed at NAB. Am curious.

Glad people are making it home safe and sound.

Best Wishes~

Dylan Couper
April 28th, 2006, 08:52 AM
When focus returns, let me know what you thought was the most exciting announcement/product revealed at NAB. Am curious.

While Red had the most hype I think, Ultra High Definition was the only thing that blew me away.

Sean McHenry
April 28th, 2006, 12:03 PM
So, where's the video?


Lorinda Norton
April 28th, 2006, 10:03 PM
Can't speak for anyone else, but I had a GREAT time. I'd give details but my memory left with the departed brain cells.

Wait...I do remember that Dylan wouldn't let me touch his beads and Rob bought me a see-through chocolate cake. Other than that....

p.s. What video, Sean? There'd better not be any video. ;) Great meeting you, Bill !!!!

Greg Boston
April 28th, 2006, 10:46 PM
Can't speak for anyone else, but I had a GREAT time. I'd give details but my memory left with the departed brain cells.

Wait...I do remember that Dylan wouldn't let me touch his beads and Rob bought me a see-through chocolate cake. Other than that....

p.s. What video, Sean? There'd better not be any video. ;) Great meeting you, Bill !!!!

Oh, there's video can send your blackmail payments to me at the 1st of each month.

Just kidding....was really nice to meet all the good folks of DVINFO. And here's a little hint to those who weren't in attendance. We get along even better than we do online!


Pete Bauer
April 29th, 2006, 04:55 AM
I DO have the video, no joke. Ok, ok, so it's just a short clip of Dylan chugging a drink (fully clothed at that time, amazingly). I'll post it to my website this weekend unless Dylan suddenly arrives in Houston to break all my fingers and pull the SD card out of my camera.

Greg, OTOH, wasted his tape on silly things like announcements of revolutionary new cameras.

Hugh DiMauro
April 29th, 2006, 05:15 AM
I didn't realize how much I needed that trip until until I set foot back into Philadelphia.

Our Meet
Chris Hurd sharing his buns with the nice couple enjoying their chicken fingers sampler.
The fantastic group of DV Infoers, Dylan, Rob, Chris, Greg, Sean, Mike, Lorinda, Ed and Jo. Sorry if I missed anyone. I am beat.

When I get my head screwed on tighter and caffeine in my bloodstream, I will write more. I had more fun than a barrel of monkeys. I thank everyone for the time and experience of my life.

Chris Hurd's cowlick was more defined this trip. Kudos to you, Chris "Captain Morgan" Hurd. Your generosity is only exceeded by your superior, kind soul.

See everybody when I get back from Pennsylvania.


Lorinda Norton
April 29th, 2006, 10:26 AM
Ah yes, every sordid detail...

What I will share is that the folks of DV Info Net are some of the greatest people on the planet. I already knew Hugh's face from last year in Miami. Finally getting to meet people like Pete, Greg, Rob, Dylan, Edward & Jo, Joe, Charles, Mike, Robert, Bill and others in person was such a thrill!! And then there's Chris--oh, my gosh, what a gentleman!!! (Not that the rest of you aren't--yes, even you, DC. :) Little wonder this site is the best on the Net; Chris is one extraordinary man. And he attracts extraordinary people.

Just a few personal notes: Pete, I'm wishing we'd had more time to talk. Next time? Greg, thank you so much for guiding us around the Central Hall and getting the ear of a Panasonic guy for me. Rob, I managed to get home with the PSP media manager you won at the VASST party. Want me to mail it? Mike, it's about time! Thank you for making and hauling those little connectors all the way for me, too!

And to Chris: Just can't say it enough--thank you so much for everything you do. :)

Robert Kirkpatrick
April 29th, 2006, 11:52 AM
p.s. What video, Sean? There'd better not be any video. ;) There are no videos. And if there were any videos, they have been clearly faked. Filmed in a studio, with the red velvet decor chroma-keyed in and with clever look-a-likes for actors. Any photos that may or may not exist are also fake. Any picture with me in any state of debauchery whatsoever has obviously been Photoshopped.

And if anyone claims to have any evidence (lies) documenting any of this, please email me your name and address, so that my friendly friends in black suits can stop by and say hello. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Dean Sensui
April 29th, 2006, 02:51 PM
Just got back from Las Vegas this morning on a red eye flight and am only now going over some of the material gathered along the way.

Got really lucky the last night there and hit a royal flush at Main Street Station: scored 4000 . . . nickles!

It was good to finally be able to connect the names to the faces. No one looked or sounded the way I'd imagined so that means I'll have to reset all my mental images. Not that they were images of mentals... well, you know what I mean.

Had a great time! If you guys are in Honolulu drop a line. The first Mai Tai is on me.

Lorinda Norton
April 29th, 2006, 02:57 PM
Dean! I didn't mention your name because I never see you over here in the Challenge forum. You know what that means...

Now you have to sign up for DVC6!!!!!

So nice meeting you! :)

Mike Teutsch
April 29th, 2006, 05:47 PM
What a great time was had by all! I wish I had gotten there a day earlier and had been able to attend some other functions for the DV Info people. Next year, a couple of days earlier!

It is not just putting faces with names, it is putting faces and personalities with the names. There are so many great people involved with this forum! Chris, Dylan, Dean, Lorinda, Hugh, Robert, Rob, Greg, and on and on! I really missed not meeting Pete, but maybe next year.

For all of you who think you know all about Dylan, he holds his liquor better than advertised and is about 4 inches taller than he looks in his movies. I thought he was about 5' 10', but is more like 6' 2". Dylan and Rob were the good looking ladies men, but from all I seen, they struck out!!!!! Haaaaaa! Way too much time spent drinking, and little spent on chasing! Rob was just great! What a great thing for him to come all the way to Las Vegas!!!!!

Lorinda was the the sweet lovely lady that I expected, and more so! It was like I had known her for years!! The kindest sweetest and most beautiful person that you would ever meet! I hope to see her again soon. Maybe in Missouri?????? Hugh, Lorinda and I sheared a burger, but not by choice!!!! It was great though, and thanks very much to them for the invite.

Chris was the true gentleman I expected and a very special person indeed. He is the driving force for this great forum, no doubt about it!!! Whatever I can do to help, I will be more than happy to do it. What a great guy!

Dean, Robert, Greg and all were so much fun to talk to, and I wish I had had more time! There is going to be next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Plane” talk, for hours!!!!!

The show itself was mind-boggling! By next year I hope that I know more so I can absorb more info at the show. RED was great, the Canon and Sony booths were outstanding! I saw many things I did not even know existed. It is something you have to see to believe!!!!!

I thank the Gods for getting me a room so I could enjoy this event. Next year about the same days,,,,,,,,,,book early, I will. By the way, my last cab driver said that 135,000 people attended NAB. After bumping into many attendees, I believe it.

Thanks to all,


Rob Lohman
April 30th, 2006, 03:58 AM
Thanks everyone, it was so great to see and finally meet y'all. Too many to
list by now and I'd probably forget some. I got back home safe (after a 4
hour flight, 4 hour layover and another 8 hour flight) to rain and cold weather.
Oh well, what can one do...

Lorinda: can you give it away to someone who has a PSP? I don't own one
myself so have no real use for it I'm afraid.

Joe: thank you so much for everything! I will get back in touch with you very

Robert: I'm afraid I have one such picture. I'll e-mail it to you in a sec... :)

Edward Troxel
April 30th, 2006, 05:28 AM
Robert: I'm afraid I have one such picture. I'll e-mail it to you in a sec... :)

Rob, I have WAAAAAAY more than one!

Hugh DiMauro
April 30th, 2006, 07:41 AM
Hey Ed:

That son of yours is quite the character actor. You must use his talents in an upcoming DV Challlenge. Those photos you proudly showed hit me like a child actor's portfolio.

Oh, and I've finally had the chance to use my DV Info swag pen in a real world situation! I dropped something behind my bureau and it lit the way for it's eventual rescue! I felt like James Bond! Not surprising since I obtained that very pen from DV Info's very own "Q" Branch quartermaster and armorer extraordinaire, Christopher "Major Boothroyd" Hurd.

Hey, so far I have given Chris two nicknames since NAB. Is that permitted?

Greg Boston
April 30th, 2006, 09:14 AM
I DO have the video, no joke. Ok, ok, so it's just a short clip of Dylan chugging a drink (fully clothed at that time, amazingly). I'll post it to my website this weekend unless Dylan suddenly arrives in Houston to break all my fingers and pull the SD card out of my camera.

Greg, OTOH, wasted his tape on silly things like announcements of revolutionary new cameras.

As far as you know, Pete. Remember, my tally light stays off for a reason(hehe). Besides, I have a copy of your video as well since we dumped your SD card into my laptop. BTW, I am very impressed with the video quality coming out of that still camera.


Lorinda Norton
April 30th, 2006, 09:33 AM
Rob, I have WAAAAAAY more than one!
That's right, Edward! You were gathering LOTS of evidence!! LOL!! Good thing we all conducted ourselves in manners worthy of DV Info. ;) So, when do we get to see some of these photos? (Or do we want to?)

I'm sorry you, Jo and I didn't get to have a proper goodbye, Edward. You know how long I've wanted to meet you, and it was wonderful. Tell Jo I will see her next time!

Dylan Couper
April 30th, 2006, 10:20 AM
Dylan and Rob were the good looking ladies men, but from all I seen, they struck out!!!!! Haaaaaa!

Wellllllll.... what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! ;)
I think I ended up with the best "only in Las Vegas" story of the trip, at least that I know of.

Mike Teutsch
April 30th, 2006, 11:07 AM
Wellllllll.... what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! ;)
I think I ended up with the best "only in Las Vegas" story of the trip, at least that I know of.

OK, let us in on it! If not here, you have my email!


Edward Troxel
April 30th, 2006, 12:22 PM
Lorinda, I'll certainly do that. Looking forward to seeing you all again in the future!