View Full Version : HC3 and the color red

Craig Terott
April 17th, 2006, 10:05 AM
I thought I'd post this thread for anyone considering the HC3.

I couldn't help pouring over some of the HC1 threads addressing the cameras problem with the color red - making reds look a bit pink. So I was just a wee bit nervous about that issue with the HC3 as well. Well, I got the camera last Wednesday and it's obvious to me that Sony must have fixed the problem with this new model. All the video I've shot so far of red objects were absolutely beaming with red and not a variation of it. I used only the auto white balance settings and although my tests weren't completely scientific all the colors look fantastic. Without shooting color charts and just based on my first hour shot with this camera I'm already extremely confident with what I seeing in the camera's LCD and on my HDTV. So far I'm very impressed with this camera.

Christian de Godzinsky
April 18th, 2006, 12:41 AM

I read elsewhere that there is an big improvement in this issue from HC1 to HC3. Your feedback confirms that. Some comparison images clearly shows that the reds are far better in HC3. However, there MIGHT be HC1's out there with decent reds as well. Mine has not :(

The comparisons also shows that the resolution and quality of HC1 are better at good lighting conditions (naturally - since it has a higher resolution CMOS chip), but HC3 wins clearly at lower light shooting.


Cooleye Hu
April 18th, 2006, 09:28 AM
Christian, I think NO one's HC1/A1 will have the decent red under the situation we discussed in that thread. It is 99.9% sure that SONY has a faulty design with that CMOS for red representation under certain situations. Nothing could be done from conumers and hopefully SONY will do sowthing later but chances are slim. :(

Floris van Eck
April 19th, 2006, 05:18 AM
I am not sure if my HDR-HC1 has the problem. I also read about the HDR-HC1 forgetting your settings when you switch the power on/off but mine remembers my settings continously. I never had to reinput so far.

Christian de Godzinsky
April 19th, 2006, 06:19 AM
Hi Cooleye!

Well - I would LIKE to think that some people have HC1's with decent reds - that would make the odds that Sony can fix this problem in an existing HC1 higher...

BUT - It is not what we WANT to think about things - its about things actually are. It might be so that some HC1 owners just have not still noticed the red behaviour yet...

I know Japanese pride but in situations like this taking care of customers goes before pride. Or should at least. We don't need nor request anybody to cut their fingers...

Sony must think about their reputation as things are as they are. Sony has lost much of it sales to other far-east companies... Regaining that means that they must take responsibility for what they sell. Quality means that your customers come back - not the stuff you have sold..


PS: I am going to shoot some new comparisons of HC1 together with other sony CCD based camcorders - I keep you posted...

Pierre Barberis
April 21st, 2006, 07:41 AM
Hi Cooleye!
Sony has lost much of it sales to other far-east companies... R...

Not , To My Knowledge, in the consumer/prosumer HD arena, where indeed they lead by a knock Out ...