View Full Version : Airport Extreme ( Wifi ) from firewire to replace P2 or for HDV

Alan Dunkel
April 16th, 2006, 09:13 PM
Though it might take some of the latest MIMO stuff to handle the Panny data stream, a firewire to Airport Extreme adapter should be currently possible for HDV. Any interest here in an open source project to make this happen for HDV with a latter goal of providing an alternative to the P2 cards? It would likely take some hardware and capture software portable for Darwin, Linux and Windows.

Looking for an "open" discussion, get it, OK my humor is a bit weak....Seriously though, might be of interest to many and there are some firewire to wifi bridge specs in the works out there too, so hardware may even be coming.

Thanks, Alan

John Mitchell
April 23rd, 2006, 09:03 AM
I don't think it's technically feasible. 54Mb/s Airport Extreme just won't equal 19MB/s = 152Mb/s which is the lowest rate HDV (JVC). Even MIMO is only 108Mb/s with ideal reception. Panny goes all the way up to a 100MB/s or 800Mb/s. Perhaps inthe future as new wireless standards are set?

Maybe I'm not reading your intent correctly?

Ben Balser
July 13th, 2006, 09:17 PM
Wireless networking simply is not up to par to handle the real time data streaming that DV and HD require, period.

Sandor Bondorowsky
September 14th, 2006, 07:31 PM
i think you're mixed up, the HDV standard is 25 mega BITS per second, that equals only 25/8= 3 or mega BYTES per second.

In theory, wi-fi is fast enought, but is it reliable enough! Hope no one's wireless phone rings while recording!

Nate Weaver
September 14th, 2006, 07:50 PM
In theory some of this works, but...

I can't be losing shots when they guy next door decides he wants to heat up his sandwich in the microwave.

Possibly a great convenience for hobbyists, but professionals would steer clear until it works perfect 100% of the time.

John Mitchell
September 14th, 2006, 08:55 PM
i think you're mixed up, the HDV standard is 25 mega BITS per second, that equals only 25/8= 3 or mega BYTES per second.

In theory, wi-fi is fast enought, but is it reliable enough! Hope no one's wireless phone rings while recording!

Doh! you're right of course,