View Full Version : remote control for F350

David Slater
April 16th, 2006, 02:58 PM
Hey all
just wondering if there is a remote control for the F350 as the shoot I am working on is going to have an effect in which I need a locked off shot to composite with and there is going to be a bit of a break between the split screen shot (1 actor is playing 2 people in it and they are going to be talk to each other so there needs to be a wardobe and makeup change)


Michael Devlin
April 16th, 2006, 05:04 PM
The standard Sony remotes (paintboxes) such as the RM-B150 and RM-B750 work with the F350. I have used the RM-B750 with the F350 and it works fine, although you need to keep in mind that the camera has a completely storage area for setting set with the menus versus those set with the remote.

There is also a very simple RF remote that comes with the F350. I have not used it, but it can do basic stuff like start/stop record.

David Slater
April 16th, 2006, 05:46 PM
Thanks Man
all we need at this point is the basic stuff (haven't seen the camera pack yet)so that will work great