View Full Version : xlh1 and dvcprohd problem

Rick Masihuddin
April 16th, 2006, 07:12 AM
Hello everyone this week i rented the xlh1 W/p+s technik converter,prime lenses and a dvcpro hd1200a deck. I was trying to capture uncompressed hd at 4.2.2. The problem i had, everytime i put the deck into record mode i was getting blank white screen. I call panasonic techs they told me that the deck is not compatible with the xlh1. And yes i was in 1080i not in 720p mode. The reason the told me is the deck can only record 1080i in dvcpro format and the xlh1 shoots out hd/sdi out in dv format that why iam getting a blank white screen. if anyone have any other solution, please help.

Thanks :Rick

Daniel Epstein
April 16th, 2006, 07:34 AM
Sorry to hear you are having problems. sounds like a little misunderstanding from Panasonic and Canon. The HDSDI coming out of the Canon is not DV. The firewire out is HDV. You should tell us which cabling you were trying to use. Were you seeing a picture out of the deck in E to E but not record or was it never getting into the deck. Where you trying to record 60i 1080 or were you in 30F or 24F. Either way the HD SDI is a supposed to be a 1080 60i signal but on HDV tape they are different signals. Also there are menu settings on the camera which can set the HDSDI to SD so you should check all your output settings on the camera HTH

Barlow Elton
April 16th, 2006, 02:20 PM
Firewire from the Canon will be incompatible. If your 1200a has HD-SDI input it'll work fine if you go that route.

Ron Pfister
April 16th, 2006, 03:07 PM
Just in case you missed it, SDI-out is not enabled by default IIRC. You need to enable it in the Signal section of the Camera menu.