Yi Fong Yu
April 11th, 2006, 12:27 PM
can't wait. i already have a project i'm working on that can be outputted to hi-def RIGHT NOW! and the couple already has HDTV!
View Full Version : When will BluRay or HD-DVD recordable drive and media come? Yi Fong Yu April 11th, 2006, 12:27 PM can't wait. i already have a project i'm working on that can be outputted to hi-def RIGHT NOW! and the couple already has HDTV! John C. Chu April 11th, 2006, 12:51 PM The first HD-DVD player will out this week. I'm hoping that it should/will play HD material[H.264?] recorded on regular DVD-R. [This question should be answered fairly shortly.] In that case, you can make HD-DVD's right now using your regular burner.[Or authoring with Apple's DVD Studio Pro] As for Blu-Ray: http://www.engadget.com/2006/04/10/tdk-begins-shipping-25gb-blu-ray-media/ Above article states that the Blu-ray media is shipping. Yi Fong Yu April 11th, 2006, 01:39 PM well, i meant the physical format =). i can't burn HD-DVD nor BluRay in the US yet. i believe BR is available in Japan. but selling it in a market where you don't have players is useless. what're people gonna do with a blank disc when they don't even have a BR recorder? Gary Bettan April 11th, 2006, 02:43 PM Pioneer BDR-101A Blu-Ray burner will be shipping before NAB! We’re hoping to get our first shipments in by the end of April! The BDR-101A will have a projected street price of $995. We will begin taking pre-orders for the BDR-101A sometime in early April. For more information on the BDR-101A visit our Pioneer BDR-101A page http://www.videoguys.com/pioneer.html Gary Patrick King April 20th, 2006, 05:14 PM Here is a cool article from How Stuff Works about the new HD-DVD (http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/ref/hd-dvd.htm?cid=e11). It is pretty basic, but that's best for some of us! Joe Barker April 20th, 2006, 05:19 PM can't wait. i already have a project i'm working on that can be outputted to hi-def RIGHT NOW! and the couple already has HDTV! Enjoy what you have now ,tommorow may never come. John Kron May 1st, 2006, 01:20 PM I think sd dvds from camcorders will show improved quality on new hdtvs played from hd dvd players. in other words you dont need a hd camera to benefit from hdtv and hd dvd player upgrade. the analog conversion is eliminated Tomas Chinchilla May 2nd, 2006, 05:01 PM I created a Short on the Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Team show in Atlanta of 45Mins on a Dual Layer DVD (Yes HighDef) using DVD Studio Pro (Video at 25mbps) Yi Fong Yu May 3rd, 2006, 08:21 AM vegas got this capability. Jeff Mack May 3rd, 2006, 11:29 AM Sorry, Don't know how to keep the links active but this is from my sony media rep in Dallas, TX Jeff Mack Hi Jeff, It’s nice to hear from you again. Your timing is good, because we’re launching our consumer Blu-Ray products this month. Here’s some links for the player: www.sonystyle.com http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/SY_ViewStatic-Start?page=static/articles/bluray.isml http://www.sony.com/SonySearch/Search.jsp?doSearch=true We have 2 discs already available for recording: BNR25AHE write once 23gb srp - $19.99 BNE25AHE rewritable 23gb srp - $24.99 Stay tuned. It’s all about to happen. We should have Blu-Ray drives for recording later in the summer. Thanks, Richard Chambers District Sales Manager Sony Professional Media 972 424-6194 office 214 289-3287 cell richard.chambers@am.sony.com www.mediabysony.com Sharyn Ferrick August 19th, 2006, 04:25 PM So now that the bd writers are shipping any feedback? The comments re the Sony drive not being able to play commercial dvd's without a graphics card with the drm support seem to be growing, but is this the case for the pioneer bdr 101a? Maybe Gary at Videoguys has some comments? Are any of the affordable authoring suites now supporting it, or is it still pretty much data files? Has anyone been able to create a BD dvd and play it back in the Samsung? Anyone been able to try out andy vc-1 on BD? Sharyn |