View Full Version : Lighting problem

Dale Paterson
April 11th, 2006, 12:39 AM
Another problem that I really need to sort out is lighting.

In order to try and save some $$$ I went out and bought 3 of those DIY 500W x 2 floodlights on stands thinking that I could use them to improve the lighting at the conferences that I mainly shoot i.e. guest speakers at a podium, other guest speakers at tables in front of audience, and the audience.

What I did not think of, however, was the fact that at all of these presentations or conferences the speakers make use of those VGA projectors to enhance their presentation and needless to say that with the DIY lights - because they are so bright and you have no way of controlling where the light falls - I could not use them at all i.e. you would not be able to see the projector screen anymore.

So I guest it's back to the expensive route!

What lights could I / should I buy and use to light up the presenters / guests without blowing the VGA projectors display out of the water?

I would imagine that they would have to be fairly directional and they would also have to be quite bright as they would alway be a fair way away from the speakers. Also - they need to not blind the speakers or presenters.



Rob Wilson
April 11th, 2006, 01:15 AM
An ETC Source 4 would work! It's a very directional easily focused instrument designed to do what you're asking. I'm not promising the speaker will be super happy with it! Good news is that it's dimmable (remotely) and you can balance between quality of your shot and how much you blind the speaker.

Patrick Gault
April 15th, 2006, 08:46 PM
DIY lights can be made to work with some Rosco Black Wrap. Try to set the lights so they are hitting the speakers at an angle rather than straight on. Then what spill is left can be blocked using the black wrap on the offending side of the light.

Delta makes these small metal clamps on each side of an 8" bendable strap. Clip one end to the light, the other to the black wrap. Bingo, cheap bloody lights do the job.

Patrick Gault
April 15th, 2006, 08:47 PM
Oh, the delta bendable straps can be found at B&H.