View Full Version : Can a 50i H1 be bought new in the USA?

Wayne Crawford
April 10th, 2006, 07:10 PM
Just tried to place a 50i order with B&H and were told that we had to buy the 60i version and send to Canon (after we received it from B&H) for the firmware update. (In other words we couldn't even send it directly from B&H to Canon.)

Usually not a problem but we leave the country May 6. Fellow at Canon says we should have the camera by May 5. (Anyone want to roll those dice?)

If anyone knows of a new seller who might sell the 50i version- I'd really appreciate the suggestion.

Why are we shooting 50i? This project will first play in Europe as HD. And we're told that converting from our 50i original to 60i will be a better result than going from 60i acquisition to a 50i conversion.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Wayne Crawford

Boyd Ostroff
April 10th, 2006, 07:16 PM
That timing might be a little tight :-) I don't really know much about the H1, but you could try contacting some of DVinfo's other sponsors as well. Several of them sell the H1:

Chris Hurd
April 10th, 2006, 07:21 PM
USA dealers are not allowed to sell the 50i version, no exceptions. This policy is intended to protect the buyer from gray market goods. It's strange that you're being told May 5 for the turnaround date when today is only April 10. The firmware update requires only a few minutes on a technician's bench at the service center. If you offer to send the camera to them overnight, they'll usually return it by overnight as well. Contact the service center again and ask what the available shipping options are. Or, why not buy the 50i version in Europe, and have the 60i firmware installed upon your return.

Wayne Crawford
April 10th, 2006, 07:42 PM
Thanks for the feedback. Fellow did say May 5 but I'll try again tomorrow.

We only have a couple of hours in Frankfurt airport on the way to South Africa.

Would be reluctant to try and find one at duty free. And more reluctant
to believe everything works without testing it.


Chris Hurd
April 10th, 2006, 07:55 PM
Well no, an XL H1 is not something you'd find at the duty free shop. It would require some coordination with an established Canon video dealer in Europe. I think you should contact Canon USA again; four weeks sounds like an odd turnaround time for a simple 50i upgrade procedure.

Greg Boston
April 10th, 2006, 08:02 PM
Or, why not buy the 50i version in Europe, and have the 60i firmware installed upon your return.

Wouldn't that create an issue with warranty service should the camera have problems? I would guess that CUSA wouldn't touch the camera if purchased overseas.


Chris Hurd
April 11th, 2006, 12:08 AM
Good question. Let's pose that one to Canon when we visit their booth at NAB.

Jack Foley
April 11th, 2006, 05:01 AM

please be advised that here in Europe Canon is charging 600 Euros to enable the 24F, 30F, 60i frame rates. It is not simply a firmware update but I guess they charge for the additional feature.

In the US it might be different, but I doubt it.


Ron Pfister
April 11th, 2006, 01:30 PM
Wayne, I just got a favorable quotation for a PAL-upgraded H1 from ZGC. The upgrade is USD 500 and the turn-around is less than a week, apparently. You may want to give them a call...



Wayne Crawford
April 11th, 2006, 07:57 PM
Thanks Ron.

On another note (actually a work around note) - if we run out of time
and have to shoot 60i - will a conversion to 50i HDCAM of the finished (60i)show at a high end facility lose significant quality?

It's late and my brain is starting to shut down.

Thanks for the help guys.
