View Full Version : How many finished DVC5?

Sean McHenry
April 9th, 2006, 04:58 PM
OK, we had tons of folks in at the onset. I was wondering how many finished and submitted something? I got it together and sent a link to a finished video about 15 minutes before the deadline - 2:45am here in Ohio. I even like it.

So, show of hands, who finished?

Andrew Khalil
April 9th, 2006, 05:06 PM
I finished and I like my video as well and I probably wouldn't have done it if it weren't for the contest, so I'm glad I signed up for it and I look foreward to future ones.

Mark Utley
April 9th, 2006, 05:10 PM
I finished. I was mostly done this past Monday but kept doing minor touch-ups until Saturday afternoon.

Hugo Pinto
April 9th, 2006, 05:14 PM
I did NOT finish this one! :(

I was seriously thinking of a 30-sec shot of Lisbon reflecting from the river (your same idea, Sean), but decided against it, since hitting the wall actually gives me enought disgrace to push me into doing something to be proud of in DVC#6.

Life goes one. I'm very curious to see what you people came up with!


Chris Barcellos
April 9th, 2006, 05:20 PM
I sent my links to email on Friday. A couple hours later went back to email, and saw it was bounced back for bad address. Just readdressed it.

This is first competition, and I learned a lot about how things should have been done......

Kris Holodak
April 9th, 2006, 05:28 PM
I finished and had fun doing it. My "talent" was better behaved than I expected, and I got good practice on some new gear. So I'd say it was successful over all.

Edward Slonaker
April 9th, 2006, 05:35 PM
I finished, uploaded, and sent the e-mail last Sunday. My first DVC and I'm anxious to see the other entries. Good luck, folks!

Robert Martens
April 9th, 2006, 05:36 PM
I'll add my name to the list; finished my endless nudging, tweaking, and massaging on Friday, spent a few hours encoding and reencoding the file to see what settings I liked best, and submit the links toward the end of the day. I've been fidgeting ever since.

Glad to say I've finally completed something for once, especially something with audio (I did one other little movie in 2004, but screwed up the initial audio recording; meant to go back and add sound effects and music, but never did). I've been here since, what, June 2003? So a few months shy of three years and God only knows how many thousands of dollars (I've saved all my receipts, might be interesting to add it all up) later, I finally did what I meant to do in the first place. Talk about over schedule.

Mitchell Stookey
April 9th, 2006, 05:53 PM
Began shooting Friday at 8:00 p.m., finished editing by Saturday at 8:00 p.m. so I still had time to go out for drinks! Haha, start to finish in 24 hours, just my style.

Meryem Ersoz
April 9th, 2006, 06:08 PM
finished. not too shabby. not as perfect as i'd like, imagistically speaking. great voice-over though.....

Mike Teutsch
April 9th, 2006, 06:11 PM
My only good plot stepped on the toes of some friends here, so I just decided to sit this one out. Not going to do a bad one, just to stay off of the wall!

Hang me high!


Michael Fossenkemper
April 9th, 2006, 06:55 PM
finished too.

Tyler Baptist
April 9th, 2006, 06:58 PM
I also finished. And out of the whole month we had to get this done I had only ONE day I could possibly film because of work. I worked 32 days in a row, and it was fun......

Dick Mays
April 9th, 2006, 07:07 PM
Finished shooting and editing a week ago, but played around with Quicktime rendering till last Friday. I've liked all my films, but this is the first one my wife liked. Hope ya'll like it too!

Bradley L Marlow
April 9th, 2006, 07:09 PM
I'm finished too. Completed 04/05/06 and am pleased with how it turned out. Especially given the fact that this was my first creation where I had absolutely no cast or crew. Difficult-but a blast!

Even had some time to be involved in another great short film-very exciting!

Mike T. - I'm surprised by your comment about "stepping on toes". Did you personally like your plot?

Sean M. - Great job finishing! Was pulling for you last night to "git 'er done!"

PS: I'm going to estimate that 28 people finished.

Congratulations everone!

Best wishes~

Bruce Broussard
April 9th, 2006, 07:16 PM
I finished. I wrote it Thursday night. I was going to shoot friday, but, talent bailed on me. This really messed up the entire sequence. I had to cut several scenes, including the ones with the best "backdrop" scenarios. Instead I shot Saturday, primarily in the neighborhood.

The next problem, post. We only had from about 4:00 pm cst on Saturday until the deadline for post. I can't say I am happy about it but considering the rush and the short time, I think it came out OK. I would be interested in some feedback on the project.

Cory Cone
April 9th, 2006, 07:55 PM
Finished and sent email in last night.

Philip Gioja
April 9th, 2006, 08:02 PM
I finished and uploaded on Thursday night. It was tough to fit my idea into 5 minutes, but I think it'll stand up okay. I would have taken more time to tweak it but I had some freelance work this weekend to do, and had to be done a little early. I guess I'll catch up on my sleep this coming week...

Scott Cozad
April 9th, 2006, 09:54 PM
I finished mine. I can't say I am completely pleased with it, but I am not completey disapointed with it either.

I did learn a lot and expect a better showing the next time.

Congratulations to everyone.

Lorinda Norton
April 9th, 2006, 10:54 PM
The link to the movie Hugh and I finished was emailed Thursday because I had to go out of town. That's the earliest I've ever completed anything in my life!

Andrew Hood
April 9th, 2006, 11:04 PM
Keeping true to my usual form, the daily workload averaged out as being inversely proportional to the time left. So basically the first couple of weeks was a bit of contemplation and a little scripting. Then finally some script editing, and rescripting. Then came some shooting, followed by video editing, a bit more shooting and voice recording with a couple of days remaining. Then madly editing and trying to make something of it. It was so last minute. And the version that was uploaded wasn't the final version I had in the editor within the time, but uploading takes ages so I need to factor that in more for next time.

We/I finished, and while the story was largley what was on paper to start, audio problems plagued things a lot. So it's a bit corny with music used to drown out some of the hiss, and voiced over audio that doesn't sound like field audio - maybe I needed more mattresses indoors. But I think it went alright, the real test is what the wider audience thinks.

Sean McHenry
April 10th, 2006, 12:22 AM
It's late and I am loosing my tiny mind but by my count, so far, we have 19 entries. That's a lot especially since we had up to 5 minutes this time. That's a feature film, 95 minutes of shorts for the judges to play with.

Others might not have reported in yet too.

We'll see what happens when Dylan makes his return known. Hope he's not Lion chow. Haven't heard from the boy in a while now.

Sean McHenry

Pete Bauer
April 10th, 2006, 06:34 AM
I'll be on the wall of shame (hanging my head in shame now). I was just too, too, too busy to shoot for fun over the past several weeks.

But I hope my efforts at the Texas Shootout have paid society back in full for my sin of omission. Looking forward to seeing the submissions once I'm caught up!

Philip Boyer
April 10th, 2006, 06:49 AM
Hang me on the Wall too. It was written, mostly shot, but never put together. I guess you'll have to wait until a later time to see the site of the Great Egret Massacre of Carrollton, Texas.

Robert Kirkpatrick
April 10th, 2006, 07:19 AM
Finished! The last 48 hour film contest I entered, I missed the finish time by 6 minutes. For the DV Challenge, I made it by 6 minutes. So, there's some improvement.

The DV Challenge film I shot and edited is nothing like I originally planned. But that's okay. At the level I'm working, nothing is ever quite like the film in my head. I couldn't get a human-looking heart, and I only had one day to shoot (instead of the two I originally had planned). And only one of my greenscreens worked out. Got way too much fringe and spill from the green on the actor's face and clothes -- which made it close to impossible to greenscreen. Oh well, live and learn. Maybe next time, I'll test it out before hand. :)

I hope you guys enjoy it. It's a little cheesy, but I think it turned out well. I just watch the DVD downconversion of the HDV footage, and it looks sweet. The compression doesn't do the footage justice.

Pete Bauer
April 10th, 2006, 08:40 AM
I guess you'll have to wait until a later time to see the site of the Great Egret Massacre of Carrollton, Texas.
I trust "No Great Egrets were harmed in the making of this film" or should I have not asked? ;-)

Hugh DiMauro
April 10th, 2006, 09:47 AM
I vote to remove the wall of shame. Too much stigma. Too much self-effacing flogging. We all try. If we don't make it, well, so what? We try harder next time. Who's with me?

Meryem Ersoz
April 10th, 2006, 10:31 AM
ooooo, a revolt against the heavy-handed authorities! i love a good protest rally!

however, i love the wall of shame more. i embrace the oppressor.

it's the only way i would ever finish one of these (i've finished three now), as silly as it sounds. also, it makes me consider a bit more carefully in advance, whether or not i can manage my time and myself.

i refer you to my ALL-TIME FAVORITE DV Challenge submission:

Chris Thiele is a mastermind of minimalist videography genius!

this video should be required viewing before anyone signs up for the rigors of a DV Challenge!

Bradley L Marlow
April 10th, 2006, 10:36 AM
Hi Hugh,

I think the Wall of Shame is a motivator for many people. An extra incentive to finish through the emotional concept of fear or shame. No- this doesn't apply to everyone, I'm sure. After all, some people are motivated by moving towards something and others by avoiding or moving away from a situation.

Then there are a few oddballs, like myself, who are equally inspired to stay OFF the Wall of Shame and accomplish a personal goal of completing a project in a given time frame.

My vote is to keep it.

Philip Boyer
April 10th, 2006, 11:04 AM
I trust "No Great Egrets were harmed in the making of this film" or should I have not asked? ;-)

Actually, it it happened about 6 years ago. I was just going to use the site in my movie.

Date: Sunday, August 02, 1998 8:20 AM

The city of Carrollton, Texas bulldozed an active rookery on Thursday, July
23 at 4:30AM. This rookery housed thousands of egrets, great egrets and
herons of various kinds. It took place on city property which had been
donated by Don Josey, father of Melissa Gribble, a federally licensed
wildlife rehabilitator.

Joe Winchester
April 10th, 2006, 12:27 PM
I finished a few days ahead (we're moving this week) and sent in the email. We'll see!

Sheila Ward
April 10th, 2006, 01:52 PM
Wall of shame for me, dangit. I think I had too much time on this one. I kept putting it off, then when I was ready to get started other things snowballed on me. But I'll sign on for the next one. Gotta keep trying! Congrats to all of you that finished!!

Sean McHenry
April 10th, 2006, 02:33 PM
As for the revolution idea, first, "it will be televised" and second, I'm the first one ready to pick up a plow share and beat it into a weapon (wait, is that backwards?) and beat the bastard suppressors with it but, and I can't believe I am about to say this, without fear of retribution for presumed wrongs and transgressions against society et. al, this here forum of folks, we would all run about willy-nilly doing whatever we want, saying we'll commit and then drinking and putting it off till the last second, no, wait, that was me...

Oh heck. While I have no love for Big Brother, I can see where the threat of Big Brother is enough to help keep the masses in line, like rubber duckies. If we don't have the fear of the WOS, we might never get the numbers of folks commiting to the effort that we have now. Besides, it's like nailing jelly to a tree. It don't mean nothin' so what the heck.

If Dylan wants to come to our houses and publicly chide us for our inability to follow through, even if we were drinking his favorite brand and fell off the couch into a coma for 3 or 4 weeks, well, we will just have to ride that public humiliation out knowing we have the chance to be redeemed at a date to be named later.

I came oh so close this round. I could feel the icy hand of the WOS near my nether regions (don't ask - it was a cold night OK) and the foul breath of his friend Cherry bus, the multi-headed hamster mascot of the river named after the rock band Styx. I narrowly escaped out of sheer fright and yet was able in that darkest night of the 23 hour to spit out something I actually like. Without the fear of the dreaded WOS, I would have possibly given up and succumbed to the dark side. In the words of the short green ass kickin' troll doll, there is no try, only mountain dew. Or something like that.

My opinion may vary directly with alcohol content.


Bill Hamell
April 10th, 2006, 02:38 PM
I finished, but would have like to have had an extra minute to two of film time to work with. The rough cut was 6:30 the final cut was 4:55


Steve Shilson
April 10th, 2006, 03:52 PM
yup, i finished!

Pete Bauer
April 10th, 2006, 04:07 PM
Vote to repeal the Wall o' Shame???

Well, it is Dylan's contest so we, the vulgar masses, don't get a vote.

IF I had a vote, which I don't, I would vote to keep the Wall o' Shame even though my name will be on it this time 'round. Just part of the fun and frolick of the contest...doesn't cost you any money or your firstborn. Honestly, if a chance at the great prizes from DVC's generous sponsors aren't enough to motivate someone to get off their ass and shoot, I don't imagine fear of the Wall o' Shame will do the trick! As we Wall o' Shamers now know, "You can't win if you don't play!"

Mike Teutsch
April 10th, 2006, 08:03 PM
I vote to remove the wall of shame. Too much stigma. Too much self-effacing flogging. We all try. If we don't make it, well, so what? We try harder next time. Who's with me?

Man, you had help and finished! I did not, and did not! Too late to bitch now! I'll hang on the wall with pride and fingernails bared. You may even get my dolly!


Volker Krieger
April 11th, 2006, 03:18 PM
Finished too. Have a previous glance at my result:

LINK REMOVED BY DYLAN: Sorry Volker, DVC rules state that no films may be shown until officially posted!

OK - I respect this!

Richard Zlamany
April 11th, 2006, 05:23 PM
I learned that I have to revise the script or edit the 1st draft because some of the lines sound really stupid. But it was fun making.

Hugh DiMauro
April 12th, 2006, 08:47 AM
Okay. We keep it. :-)

Vive Le Resistance! Vive Le Maquisards!

Darryl Ahye
April 12th, 2006, 01:24 PM
I finished...emailed the link, now I'm waiting to see how it goes.

Owen Bickford
April 12th, 2006, 03:45 PM
i didn't finish. i really didn't even start. i thought a lot. i tend to come up with ideas after the deadline passes.

Jeff Tyler
April 12th, 2006, 09:25 PM
Well im pinned on the wall of shame with legs kicking, it does suck to not have finished but I will be bringing it for the next DVC

Dylan Couper
April 13th, 2006, 05:47 AM
26 Entries, although there should be 27, as one person didn't include a link. Waiting to hear back from them....

Psst... Brendan Marnell, check your inbox! ;)

Also, Lorinda Norton... check your inbox, you didn't email me the mass viewing link.

Sean McHenry
April 15th, 2006, 12:20 AM
So far I have only watched "Love Bites" but man, if they are all anywhere near that quality, and I hear lots are, this is going to be great.


Brendan Marnell
April 18th, 2006, 12:51 PM
Hello Dylan

I hope you have received my down-rezzed version by now ... if you have, say no more. If not, let me know, crap an' all as it is. Can't make a silk purse ..

Dylan Couper
April 18th, 2006, 02:37 PM
Hey Brendan, I have the link you sent me, which is the low-rex version, right? You are coming up tomorrow.